Sunday, October 23, 2011

Something to catch the eye....

This amazing house caught my eye in the paper on the weekend....and who could fail to miss or love its stunning art deco exterior? I promptly looked it up online to indulge in day dreams a little bit more!

However, although it is a modern decor lovers delight on the inside, I was a bit disappointed to see that the whole 20's-30's effect had been pretty much lost, especially in the kitchen and bathrooms. But then, this is a Toorak mansion and I guess the designers thought that those with the money to live in Toorak would not want a 30's style bathroom or kitchen (more's the pitty).

Nothing daunted, I soon designed every room perfectly in my imagination, as well as planning out the most amazing vintage parties and events in this most stunning of venues. My biggest daydream dilemma, however, would be where on earth to keep my chooks, indulge my gardening passion and establish my vegie garden and fruit trees !!!

Anyhow, I do hope you enjoy a little bit of daydreaming on Monday morning too..........

Visit the website advertising its sale here for more daydream inducing photographs and plans


  1. It's lovely! I'm like you, though - I wish they'd left some sense of the 20s & 30s inside as well. It makes sense that modern people want modern houses, but it always makes me sad when a fantastic retro exterior gives way to a modern interior.

    It's a completely gorgeous dream house, though - I could stare at it all day!

  2. You have the same love of perving on houses as I do ;-)

    Gorgeous house indeed - it's rather huge! The interior is a bit bland and boring isn't it. So many of these rich people lack style. I do like the tub though :-)
