Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cupcakes for lunches

Fancy Pants eyes off some blueberry muffins that he helped make!

On a big sustainable lifestyle bent recently (thanks to the arrival of my adorable 5 chickens - Fancy Pants, Rainbow Chook, Fluffy Bum, and we have yet to name the other two!) I have been baking my own bread and making home made goodies for the kids school lunches. These home made goodies usually take the form of muffins/cupcakes, and I have no end of delight in devising new and exciting recipes with my little ones......we have tried chocolate and raspberry, sultana and raspberry, blueberry, and pear and chocolate so far, and have many more up our sleeve to put into action over the coming 4th term.

So here is our recipe for basic muffins/cupcakes, and in the spirit of creativity, feel free to experiment with what you add - choc chips, fruit, nuts, marshmallows, you name it, the fun is always in the creation !!
We experimented with my new icing piper on our chocolate cupcakes...

Basic Cupcake Recipe

125g soft butter
125g Caster sugar
150g self raising flour
2 eggs (thanks Fancy Pants!!)
2 tablespoons natural yogurt or cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Preheat oven to 180 degree Celsius and fill muffin tray with 'patti pans'. Cream butter and sugar. Add flour, eggs, yogurt/cream and vanilla in large bowl of electric mixer and mix until just smooth. Beat in desired flavouring by hand and place mixture in 'patti pans'. Bake in oven for 15mins or until springy to touch.

My only problem seems to be that all my children's friends want some too - hence I now make double quantity !!

My babies adore their  pet chooks, and love to cuddle with them....


  1. Do you reckon, if you turned your back, Fancy Pants would have taken a bite? I have chooks too, aren't they awesome? Their googies are the tastiest!

  2. Oh Sen!! How wonderful, the kids, the chooks, the little bit of garden I can see and those muffins, mmmmm. Must catch up.

  3. LOL! I love that Fancy Pants really did have a bite. If I leave windows open in summer, I often find chooks on my kitchen table helping themselves to the fruit bowl. I tell you!

    Oohhh... when you are in Melb, let me know. I can never drink enough coffee.
