Sunday, June 20, 2010

Wintersun Review

Oh boo hoo !!! It's over again for another year !! 360 sleeps till the next Wintersun !! But what a wonderful time it was in 2010!! Here is my 'review' for this year - but remember, this is just my opinion....would love to hear what you thought too !!

Best Band

This was a toughie ! There were three bands that I simply couldnt decide between for second place, so I have given them all second place billing !!

Equal Second Place Favorite - the much adored Rechords from Melbourne !! Hubba Hubba guys !! Keep those terrific original tunes, fabulous harmonies and Leo's great yodelling coming !

Equal Second Place Favorite - The wonderful Bellfuries from Texas...oh Joey, your voice is amazing especially when you sing Sam Cooke !

Equal Second Place Favorite - Hank and the Cosmonauts who kept us dancing on the final night of wintersun...... such great stage presence and kiddies sing "King Kong" all the time - we love you Hank !

Best Band at Wintersun 2010 - Men Into Space. Oh you guys are not only hilarious, quirky and talented, but you look hot in your space suits !! Love your music, love the quirky 50's space spin on what you do, and love your special guest alien !! I will be shakin my ass-teriod to all your tunes as soon as you get a CD out !!!

Best Solo Performer

Ok, so I am biased in my choice of favorite solo performers, but I am also honest, which is why....

Best Solo Performer Equal Second Place - is my hubby, Scotty Baker!! I was as proud as punch of Scottys performances at the Rockabilly Headquarters and on Sunday morning on the Press-tone Stage in the street - I think he melted a few ladies hearts, including my own !!!

Best Solo Performer Equal Second Place - Danny and the Cosmic Tremors were simply fantastic on Saturday night. I was particularly moved by Danny giving the background to a couple of his songs - it made them so meaningful and utterly beautiful - Danny, not only are you a wonderful performer, but a great songwriting poet too !

Best Solo Performer - I dont think there are any ladies out there who would argue with me putting Nick Willet in this spot !! We were all eating out of his hand - what a talent, what a voice, what a honey ! The fact that Scotty agrees with me on this also puts my mind at ease !!!! (Pictured above with the adorable Carly and enchanting Candice)

Best Event

Best Event Second Place - Was undoubtedly the fantastic cake bake off !! What a sensational idea this was - to bake a cake and present it in best 50's flair !! Here are a couple of photographs from the delightful event, and I am looking forward to seeing this again at Wintersun 2011 !! Yum !!

Third place getter Vicki Martin with her lime green marshmellow cake !

Best Event - The fantastic Circa Vintage swimsuit parade ! Held on both Saturday and Sunday afternoons, this event drew huge crowds and was informative and entertaining - for both participants and viewers alike ! Gorgeous costumes, stunning models, a wonderful compare, beautiful dressing assistants backstage and co-ordinated by the ever stylish and lovely Nicole Jenkins of Circa Vintage. What an amazing job Nicole did of orchastrating this event, providing the swimwear and props, fitting the models, detailing the informative narration, and ensuring everything ran smoothly on the day! Bravo to you Nicole - this event was a HUGE (and extreemly fun!) sucess !!


Best Dressed Gals

So sorry people - this catagory is totally impossible to give a winner or place getters to - the calibre was so very outstanding !! I am just going to post photographs of how totally stunning the girls looked all wintersun long...........


Best Dressed Guys

And ditto for these most handsome, suave and sophisticated of men.....

So as you can see, Wintersun 2010 was totally fantastic in every aspect ! A big thankyou to those who have allowed me the use of their photos here - Vicki, Danny and Clare, Jodie, Candice, Robyn and Nicole. We are looking forward to next year and counting the sleeps already !!! Till then, hope to see you all at Greazefest in August !


  1. Wow! Wintersun looks amazing... I think I will have to start saving now so I can go next year... So many wonderful things all happening in one place! What a dream... >_<

  2. The more Wintersun reviews I see, the more jealous I am that I couldn't be there. Ah well. Thanks for sharing these great photos. =D
    -Andi x

  3. Darling - there is always next year.....start putting aside your pennies now and it will all come together for you next June ! I would love to party on with you there !!!!

  4. What an awsome review...I agree with Kesenya's picks for best bands/artists..You got dam good taste girl!! What an awsome event.. Bring on 2011!

  5. Agree with all your votes and I'm kicking myself even more than I had to miss some of those bands!
    By the way, can you please add me to the photo credit list (the cake bake contest pic from SKM is mine). Nxx

  6. BEST. WEEK. EVER!! I'm still high on Wintersun and looking forward to another hit soon. :)

  7. Oh Candice - one of the highlights for me was getting to know you so much better !!! YOu are so much fun to be with, I simply adore your vivacity and ability to enthusiastically be a part of whatever's going down !! Looking forward to many many more good times together in the future !!!
