Thursday, June 24, 2010

Aunty Rhonda's 'Birchip' Sponge

When I was a little girl in the early 80's, my Aunty Rhonda lived in the little township of Birchip in Victoria's Western District. While there, Aunty Rhonda happened across an amazing 'no fail' sponge recipe, which I have called "The Birchip Sponge".......

I have never attempted a sponge before, feeling that it may have been somewhat out of my league, however, after getting this recipe off Aunty Rhonda, I decided to just jump in the deep end and give it a go - after all, you cant be a 50's housewife without being able to make a sponge cake !!! And the results were quite surprisingly good.......

I ended up making four sponges for a community event I catered for - and to my surprise, there wasn't a single piece left over !! I guess they must have tasted quite alright !!

Birchip Sponge

4 eggs - seperated
3/4 cup cornflour
1 teaspoon cream of tarta
3/4 cup castor sugar
1 tablespoon custard powder
1/2 teaspoon bi-carb soda

Beat egg whites with a dash of salt.

Add sugar slowly as you go.

Add egg yolks one at a time.

Sift dry ingredients, then fold in with a wooden spoon.

Bake in a moderate oven (180 degrees) for 20-25 minutes.

Too easy !!!

I made two sponges and sandwhiched them together with jam and whipped chantilly cream (cream beaten with icing sugar and vanilla), and iced the cake with my favourite passionfruit icing (icing sugar mixed with the pulp of two passionfruit). Delicious !


  1. Passionfruit on a absolute favourite, I always get my Mum to make them or a ginger fluff when I go home.

  2. The custard powder was a surprise ingredient - but I must admit it would have been yummy with the passionfruit icing!

  3. Oh yummmm, I really must give this a go...
    My daughter Georgia is having a little ladies tea party next week, we have been buying gorgeous vintage tea cups, saucers and plates over the last month for the occasion. The "birchip sponge" will fit into the tea party theme perfectly...
    Thanks for sharing the recipe...
    Cherie xx

  4. WOW it's perfect for a first attempt !!
