Monday, December 2, 2013

New Year Competition - for vintage stocking lovers

What do you think of these dandy little vintage stockings? The packaging alone is adorable !!! So what would you say to winning this charming little pair of authentic nylons for the new year? Mmmmm, I'd say "Yes Please!" too !

So, as is the motivation with such competitions (apart from the opportunity to give my readers something they would like) the purpose is to promote what I do here at Alice Jean's. Alice Jean's has been running since 2008, and apart from the health induced 'down time' I have had over the past 2 months, I have been publishing posts on a weekly one time Alice Jean's had 1200 weekly readers, but unfortunately this has diminished as I prioritised motherhood over attending every vintage celebration and festival. So, my beloved readers, I would like to encourage the readership back up to those dizzying heights once again - and you can help me, and win a pair of vintage stockings in the process !
Simply share about Alice Jean's on your own blog or facebook page - too easy! Repost an article you liked or share the url link to Alice Jean's....... oh, and you will need to mention this competition somehow as well. How will I know you have done this, and thus, enter you into the draw? You will need to notify me by typing 'done', with the link to your share, either in a private message from the Facebook page, on the FB page itself or here on the blog.  
So it's a breeze - share on your social media page, and leave me notification and a link to say you have done so.
Let's start 2014 with some real style - I will be drawing the name of the winner on New Years keep sharing about Alice Jeans throughout December....the more times you enter, the more chances to win! Best of luck to you one and all !
(Please note - you will require a garter belt to wear this stockings)


  1. Done, linked on my face book page

    1. Thankyou lovely Jaede - you are in the draw! Have a Merry Christmas in the meantime :)
