Sunday, December 22, 2013

Delectable Christmas Wreath

Well, it has been some time since I posted a baking article, so here is one just in the nick of time for all those Christmas festivities. Remember the age old 'chocolate log cake' from childhood BBQ's and pot luck dinners? Well, this beautiful festive dessert has taken the traditional chocolate log and turned it into a Christmas wreath.
Simply grab two packets of chocolate ripple cookies at the supermarket, and a generous tub of cream. Don't forget your chosen lolly decorations. (I used Cherry Ripe, Spearmint leaves and jaffas)
Whip your cream with an electric or hand held mixer and proceed to create chocolate ripple cookie 'sandwiches' with the cream in the shape of a circle on a large plate.
Cover the entire wreath with cream and decorate in any way that seems creative to you.
Too easy ! (And too yummy!!)



  1. I had never had Chocolate Ripple cake till your mum made some & brought it to work the other day! Wow! That wreath looks gorgeous & delicious! Merry Christmas to you and family :)

    1. Thanks Virginia....cant believe you have never tasted it before - thankgoodness Mum saved you from living a life without that experience !!! We must catch up for coffee over the holidays if you are around and talk more about your 52 Dates - what a great concept !!!

  2. Replies
    1. I know Debs - it didn't last long at the Scouts Christmas BBQ I took it too !

  3. Replies
    1. Would you believe I didn't get a piece !!! It was gobbled down in no time :( !
