Thursday, September 13, 2012

Passing through New South Wales country towns....


One lovely weekend in late winter, I had the privilege of traveling 7 hours north to spend some time in the township of Orange, Central West New South Wales. It was such a pretty town, despite the wind chill factor, and I actually saw snow fall for the first time in my life - so feathery and light and very very pretty. However, it was not the snow at Orange that I wanted to share with you today, but rather, a couple of great old buildings that I spotted as I passed through the many country towns on my way there.....the first two, above, were in the town of Cootamundra and I was charmed by the large art deco-ness of the design....naturally, my imagination ran wild with all sorts of uses and ideas for these buildings in a world where monetary limitations did not exist...... dance studios, cafe restaurants, event destinations, dance halls, roller derbys, vintage stores or a combo of all of the above !

And lastly, in the cute little veranda town of Lockheart, I spied this eye catching 1960's modernist designed Council ! Once again, a super hip Madmen-esq era cafe or club leapt to mind, or even a funky art gallery or hi fi store.
What would you do if you could get your hands on a darling piece of mid century real estate, and money was no object?


  1. I travel that route regularly to visit family in Orange, so those lovely old buildings are familiar to me.
    Last year I fell in love with the former State Bank building in Corowa; it sold for a song, unfortunately not to me. I think you'd like it too.

    1. Oooooo.....will have to check it out next time I am there ! Thanks for the tip off ! XO

  2. Just came across your blog and saw that we follow a couple of the same blogs :)
    I have a new (well - a couple of years old) passion for all things vintage so I've become a devoted follower of your blog also.

    1. Debs, so lovely to meet you and I look forward to getting to know you better. XOXO
