Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Three interesting projects.... a book, a painting and some chairs

I have been busy with projects of the non sewing variety.......

A portrait of my children and I......had a dream a few months back of this, and finally got my act into gear and put it together.....quite happy with the result actually ! Love doing this style of painting...

Some newly recovered chairs. These belonged to my Grandmother and were very worn. The atomic style circles were a big risk, but once again, they came up a treat...very happy !

And this is an image from the children's book I have written...full of collages from bits and pieces around the house and in my material stash, it is the story of a tree's journey of self discovery and freedom...very fanciful, and also, I hope, very insightful for my kids and any others who may enjoy it in the future.

What projects have you been digging into this year???


  1. WOW! Those are three amazing projects, but I just have one little one.
    I finally lined up the boxes of pictures, cards, personal ephemera and cards I have collected, over 20 years, and I plan to scrapbook my life in one year.
    Here's to trying!

  2. Are you kidding me?

    Portrait - AMAZING!

    Chairs - AMAZING!

    You've written a kids book? And you made that collage? AMAZING!

  3. You are pretty handy in painting too, well done...
    arts and crafts
