Sunday, June 17, 2012

Living Doll - Miss June

Living Dolls are mothers, nurses, models, photographers, graphic designers, grandmothers, students, teachers - infact you name it, they come from every walk of life but have this one thing in common - they love and live vintage !

Ever lovely, ever creative and ever eyecatchingly beautiful, Miss July is the ever wonderful
Miss Tallulah Porkchop !

(and I am loving that rose print dress my friend !!! XOXO)

What does 'vintage' mean to you?

The best of yesteryear that has stood the test of time for future generations to enjoy.

What was it that first prompted your interest in vintage culture?

As a young girl I was taken by how beautiful and glamorous the all the old Hollywood movie stars were. I felt they were so much prettier than the modern examples of beauty. This led to me emulating their hair and makeup, and snapping up old frocks, shoes and handbags I found in op-shops. 

What is your favourite era, and do you 'live it' every day? In what ways?

The 1950s/early 1960s have always been, and always will, be my favourite decade/s. I have a deep appreciation for the 1920s through to 1940s, and the late 1960s, but my body shape dictates what I wear, and it was built for the 1950s/early 1960s.

I dress up to the nines on weekdays, and for special occasions, and its rare occasion that I dont have any vintage garb on at all. That said, I do have off-days on the weekend where I wear no makeup, dont do my hair and wear tracky dacks.

I dont ever wear full vintage. I also have an obsession with high fashion, I usually mix a bit of designer, or cat-walk inspired ideas into my outfits.
Our home is full of 1950s and 1960s furniture, which is more my partners obsession, but it has rubbed off onto me. Im not very knowledgeable when it comes to brand, designs and eras, so I leave the furniture shopping to her.

Tell us about your favourite item of vintage clothing, kitchenalia, music, furniture or whatever !

My hands-down favourite vintage items are pieces of jewellery that have special stories attached. Ive been gifted some very special pieces: a necklace given to my mother-in-law from her Dad on her 16th birthday; a necklace that that was given to a lady on the eve of her wedding from her husband-to-be, an engraved 1940s sweetheart bracelet with the two sweethearts initials engraved... I love that these pieces that were once so special to someone are now being loved and enjoyed and taken extra care of by me. I think the original owners would be pleased.
Can you share with us why vintage culture continues to hold such appeal for you?

With the clothes, I guess I appreciate the fact that a lot of the stuff was lovingly hand-made, hence are one-off pieces. I love the colours, the cuts, the modesty

Do you have any tips for anyone starting out in the vintage scene?

Have fun and enjoy playing dress ups. You dont have to emulate a decade head-to-toe. Sydney, from Golden Girl of the West, is a phenomenal stylist and quite the expert at mixing eras together for a striking result. Wear it your own way. *whispers* and dont buy anything from a vintage retail store - you can get it at an eighth of the price on etsy.

Now is your chance to provide us with an overview of who you are and what you do.

Would you believe I work at the reception desk of an inner suburban local council? Our motto is Diversity and we encouraged to be our authentic selves, so there are no uniforms and I get to play dress-ups on a daily basis.

I live by the beach with my long-term partner and our 24 critters: three pugs, six cats, two rabbits, two lovebirds and eleven hens.

Ive been blogging for a year and a half and am totally hooked. I cannot believe how far I have come and how much I have learned. It is my creative outlet.

My goals for 2012 are to start a family, and begin making vintage-style half-hats and headbands using the millinery skills I recently acquired.

Finally, what or who inspires you and why?

Surely no one does it better than Dita, do they?

Real ladies who thrill me with their use of vintage fashion are: Marianne from Esme and the Laneway, Ulrica from The Freelancers Fashion Blog, Sydney from Golden Girl of the West, Miriam from Kafferepet, Hannah from Hannah and Landon, Elsa Billgren from Need Help Dressing?, Helga of Helga von Trollop, and Amy and Harriett from Bright Young Twins.


  1. Yay, I'm so flattered to be included alongside such fabulous women. :)

    1. indeed a living doll;) there couldn´t be any one more perfect to be miss june!!!

  2. Love her colourful outfits especially her dotted tights.

  3. Oh how I adore Miss Porkchop - she is my kinda vintage gal, mixing it up with her modern shoes and legwear - fingers crossed for the pitted-patter of tiny feet to join the menagerie:)))) xx

  4. Great guest post - fabulous hosiery and shoes as always.

  5. Everyone - you are all so very right.....not only is Miss T funky and adorable, but she is downright lovely to boot !! Thanks for posting your thoughts here !
