Sunday, August 14, 2011

The adventures of Super Mummy and Rainbow Girl .....

If you are a Mum you will relate. It's pouring rain, the kids have been couped up inside for almost two weeks of school holidays. They have watched every age appropriate DVD your library contains, and you are seriously considering playing the others. Your computer keyboard wont function properly due to the remnants of bread roll caught between the keys from your sons venture online with Wow Wow Wubsie games, (the state of my keyboard at this very moment) the lounge room floor is littered with popcorn and leggo, and the grizzling, fighting and complaining puts you in very near need of a straitjacket. What do you do????

All of a sudden, in a flash of inspiration, it's SUPER MUMMY to the rescue. Ceasing three old t-shirts, you tell your wee ones that today is super hero day and they will need to design on paper their super hero outfit. The whining and fighting stops. They sit down at the kitchen table and draw diligently for 10 minutes. (This in itself is a miracle as the children have the attention span of a Crusty Demons of Dirt Biking fan at the latest screening of Jayne Eyre). OK, you now have three hilarious costume designs, and the children are majorly intrigued by Super Mummies antics as she swiftly cuts out various satin colours from her stash and deftly aplicays them onto the t-shirts in desperate next-to-no-timedness.

All at once, out of no where appear 'Star Boy' in a blaze of blue t-shirt, red satin star on front and gorgeous streaming red satin cape. 'Green Darcy' flies in with a spiral logo in electric blue satin on the front of his long sleeve apple green t-shirt. And' Rainbow Girl' arrives with outstretched flying arm in her tri-coloured rainbow on pink t-shirt with apple green satin cape.

Super Mummy is blown away by the creativity of her children - in particular 3 year old Rainbow Girl who cries out "Rainbow Girl to the rescue" thrusting her fist into the air and zooming off to save 'Petal' her teddy. Talk about one hilarious way to fill in most of a day, and the children spent the remainder of the day playing super hero's. Which was just as well, because Super Mummy was very much in need of an Earl Grey Tea and a magazine......

Stay tuned for more adventures in the next exciting episode of Super Mummy and rainbow Girl !!

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