Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Living Dolls - Miss March

Here is our darling 'Living Doll' for the month of March. Say hello to Jules from Poppet Vintage

What does 'vintage' mean to you?

To me vintage is all about fun, the past and cherishing things that existed before our time. Technically, I suppose vintage ends when the 60s did, but time has a habit of moving fast, and our labels have to adjust accordingly. Basically if it’s sorta old and I love it, then it’s vintage to me!

What was it that first prompted your interest in vintage culture?

I think my interest in Vintage and Retro style came from watching too many re-runs of Get Smart, The Brady bunch and The Monkeeys when I was a kid. I thought “99” was the greatest woman alive (and still do!) She was smart, tough, funny, impeccably dressed and one hell of a role model...I feel quite lucky that I got to grow up with these shows shaping my little brain.

What is your favourite era, and do you 'live it' every day? In what ways?

The 60s is my favourite era that’s for sure. It was such a great decade for change, there certainly was a lot of excitement packed into those 10 years. A lot of my fashion inspiration is drawn from this period, at the moment I’m particularly inspired by the way boys were dressing in London in the early to mid-60s...Basically I wanna be as awesome as George Harrison.

I certainly don’t “live it” every day though. In my day to day life I’m influence by all aspects of the last 100 years. There is so much amazing fashion to delight in from all eras that I don’t like to limit myself to one particular style. I’m more than happy to wear a cute 40’s blouse with a 60’s skirt and an 80’s leather tie. I just go with what makes me happy 

Tell us about your favourite item of vintage clothing, kitchenalia, music, furniture or whatever !

Goodness! When it comes to Vintage clothing I have a lot of special pieces. My favourite is a mid 60s red dress with a great white collar and belt, I totally feel like orphan Annie when I wear it, and always wanna break out into “the sun’ll come up tomorrowwwww” I think that’s what I love most about 60s fashion, there is such an element of fun to it!

I have a great collection of 60s prints, lots of big landscapes and seascapes and a few saucy nudes...oh my! I’ve collected these over the years from op-shops and garage sales, and now they are scattered around my house and shop.

I absolutely love the music of the late 50s and all of the 60s. At the moment I can’t get enough Doo Wop! Also on high rotation are The Beatles (especially the early albums) The Everly Brothers, The Kinks, Beach Boys and all the amazing girl groups of the 60s

Can you share with us why vintage culture continues to hold such appeal for you?

I think I will always have one foot in the past....there is just so much inspiration to be found in vintage culture. Like many people in the scene, I often feel like I was born at the wrong time....oh to be a teen in the late 50s... the music, the clothes, the innocence....ahh I love it! I would have killed to be in my 20s for the entirety of the 60s. I just can’t imagine anything better than being around to see the rise of the Beatles and the rise of those hemlines.

Do you have any tips for anyone starting out in the vintage scene?

The internet is an amazing resource for people wanting to learn more about Vintage fashion. Or if you wanna do things the vintage way open up some books. “Love Vintage” by Nicole Jenkins is an amazing and in-depth look at vintage clothing and I would defiantly recommend getting your hands on a copy.

I think it’s really important to stay true to who you are as well. Fashion is one of the ways we express ourselves to the world, so you gotta do what is right for you. There should be no rules when it comes to dressing vintage. Mix some old with new, blur the lines between eras and draw inspiration from lots of sources. Just remember to have fun and be confident in what you wear.

Now is your chance to provide us with an overview of who you are and what you do.
I run a cute lil’ Vintage clothing store called “Poppet” in North Fitzroy. I sell ladies and gents clothing and accessories from the 40s-80s. I also design and make seasonal collections of lovely clothing that I sell in the shop and online. My life isn’t all work though. I also enjoy all manner of craft, particularly sewing, knitting and crochet. I really enjoy the old timey feeling I get when I’m working with my hands to create beautiful things. I also love music, and like nothing better than busting out a few tunes on my ukulele and banjo!!

Finally, what or who inspires you and why?

My amazingly talented friends are a constant inspiration to me! I feel very lucky to know so many wonderful creative people. I am always impressed and motivated when I see people that know what they want from life and go for it.

I also get inspired by all the beauty and creativity that has been put forth into our fine world. Music, fashion, art, craft and the written word, these are all things that feed the soul and make living life an absolute joy.

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