Thursday, January 13, 2011

My Betty Draper Barbie Dress...

 I have been working on this little project for quite some time now and am thrilled with how it has turned out !! Formally this dress had sleeves, a matching belt and made me look super matronly in 1950's style. But after a little Mad Men and Barbie Doll inspiration, I decided to try to similarly replicate Betty Drapers Barbie Doll Dress with the matronly dress as a base. I removed the sleeves and created a silk cumber bun - and look at the difference !! So happy !!!! 


  1. Absolutely stunning dress!! So cute, I love it! It looks really great on you:)

  2. I love it--you did a great job restyling this dress!

  3. Oh my god that is just gorgeous!!! WOW so perfectly summery. Love it :-D

  4. Thanks guys !! Was lots of fun, and I am so glad I will be able to wear this dress's been sitting in the cupboard for a couple of years and not getting worn !! Dont you just love watching Mad Men - so much inspiration !!! Kisses XOXO

  5. Wow! You did a great job with this dress. Now all you need is a drink in your hand and you'd look JUST like Mrs. Draper there.

  6. Thanks honey - I need to go back to being a blonde first, but the drink sure sounds good !!! I wonder if Betty's drink is a gin and tonic? It's mine !! I am inclined to think hers might be a mint julep :o)

  7. Oh,my! How very cute, my Little Miss would love this just as much as me. Lovely work.

  8. It looks fantastic! What a great idea. =D
    -Andi x
