Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Christmas Hugs and Kisses all round !!!

I want to wish all of my regular (and not so regular !!) readers the very best of Christmases this year.
Christmas has always represented a beautiful high point for me, the climax of the year leading into the beginning of a fresh new one. A time with those I love most dearly, a time for expressing love to our treasured ones, a time for 'eating, drinking and being merry'.

Here is Australia, it is a beautiful time weatherwise as well with long, temperate evenings, and sparkling days full of beaches, lakes, swimming and picinicing. A perfect time for vintage dressing, vintage style eating, and lots and lots of Christmas hugs and kisses all round.

May your 2010 Christmas be significant for you in wonderful ways. May you treasure your moments with family, love them and your friends with all your being. May your celeberations be sincerely joyous. And may the love and gratitude in your heart for all that Christmas is to you - faith based or otherwise - fill you with abundant hope for the coming year, love to delight in and peace in your deepest soul.

My Christmas hugs and kisses to you all ! XOXO


  1. Love the Mad Men Xmas image! So cool! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and New Year too xxx
