Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Rescue mission for children....

The 1950's were not immune from war, revolts and uprisings, and humanitarian crisis. If anyone tells you otherwise remind them of Tibet and the Dalai Lama, Riots in Rhodesia, The Cuban Revolution, the Algeria Revolt, segregation and racism in many countries worldwide, the invasion of Egypt over the Suez Canal, and the Hungarian Uprising to name but a few. And we all know that today, nothing much has changed.....

Wars continue, famines and natural disasters strike continually at some point on the globe, political stouches make common life difficult, and everyday citizens are more ofton than not the ones who suffer most.

I once heard a speaker say that it is great to follow your passions in life, to pursue that which you love, but have we considered what we detest? What gets us angry and fired up? What gets our blood boiling? Those things are as important for us to pursue as the things we love, when it all comes down to it. It is what fires us up and makes us angry that will drive us to make the world a better place for future generations.

What gets my blood boiling more than anything else is the abuse of women and children. The abuse of those who in many circumstances are the more vulnerable members of society. Like it or not, there were abused women and children in the 1950's, and there are just as many in such situations today. So, I went looking for just how I could make a difference.

I cant very well go overseas and help in a more practical sense as a newly single Mum with three little ones in tow, but I can budget to assist others in need where I can.

This is why I wanted to share with my readers that under the name of Alice Jean's, I have signed up to regularly (monthly) contribute to Rescue Mission For Children. Please check out this website if abuse of the vulnerable is your 'anger passion' too. This great organisation is particularly focused on freeing children from sexual slavery - what more noble and worthy cause could there be? In the 1800's they were able to largely abolish slavery (in the form of ownership of another human being at least) in the western world, I hope that in 100 years people will be able to say that sexual slavery of children (and women for that matter) was abolished in this new decade too.

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