Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Living Dolls - Miss June 2010

Just in time for Wintersun, allow me to introduce the adorable Miss Chrissy - our Living Doll for June !

What does 'vintage' mean to you?

This word is used a lot these days in our world/circle in particular, but I like the real meaning of Vintage (other than its use for Wine which is where it originated) “A year in which something of outstanding quality was produced or that was an especially happy or successful time” 1930-1935

My era of Vintage has a window from 1930 to 1955. To me it epitomises Style, charm, promise, growth, change, simplicity, practical, industrious, history and a snapshot into a world long gone.
What was it that first prompted your interest in vintage culture?

It started with Swing Dancing through my friend Jamie Suppa who introduced this world to me which quickly led to (through research of the dance & music) to the glamorous fashion.. From there, with my husband Ray through our dance school , and with dressing the part daily, I came across so many girls that were like minded, some knew more and some knew less and I enjoyed the family/community spirit of sharing with others on the same quest to learn more. This gave me a new appreciation and respect of our foremothers and I couldn’t take in and learn enough of the original ways so I visited and talked to as many as I could and over the years perfected my own look/life and also willing to impart what I had learned along the way. At the closing of our dance school I ventured further into what’s now known as The Lindy Charm School for Girls, a one stop shop for those starting out to learn all that has taken us years to learn in a very short time.. God I wish the Lindy Charm School for Girls was around all those years ago but then I would not have had the same amazing journey of discovery that I have had.

What is your favourite era, and do you 'live it' every day? In what ways?

My favourite era would be between 1940 & 1955. I try to live it most days and even if I am not 100% vintage every day I am always vintage inspired in my look. Our house is full of old wares which we use as every day utensils so I generally cook with the same items my grandma would have used.

Tell us about your favourite item of vintage clothing, kitchenalia, music, furniture or whatever !

I have many favourite dresses but today my favourite dress is a mid 1930’s Green & White pin stripe dress with bottle green glass buttons down the front (Bought from Circa Vintage in melbourne), accessorized with a pair of 1930’s bottle green pumps and velvet hat I feel so glamorous…. Another new acquisition which is so clever I just love wearing it, It is a 1940’s crepe Navy & White frock that when I wear it just looks like a wonderfully fitting and flowing number BUT its actually a maternity/nursing dress and when you unwrap, unfold and let the draw string out it becomes a dress that can be worn by a 9 month pregnant lady and then a week later turns into a nursing dress with just unbuttoning the modesty bib to reveal to slits for feeding… so so clever I can hardly believe it…My favourite kitchen utensil is a late 40’s hand held whisk with wooden handle and also this neat vege strainer you hook onto your saucepan also with wooden handle but probably more late 50’s as I remember my Mum using it..

Can you share with us why vintage culture continues to hold such appeal for you?

I am all about style & glamour and feeling good about oneself.. I still believe there hasn’t been an era since that encapsulates true style, the empowerment of being feminine and glamorous while still being real… our foremothers did it with such class and I see in the current vintage scene so many other women achieving great things in life while still remaining real and possessing huge quantities of class & style.

Do you have any tips for anyone starting out in the vintage scene?

Come and see us at The Lindy Charm School For girls…. But apart from that, I offer the following tips:

Don’t be so body conscious. Find a look that suits you, your body, your hair, your skin and your lifestyle, don’t try too hard at what doesn’t come easy to you. If you look and feel uncomfortable then look at another style for you that does come easy.

Make the effort each and every day to spend a few moments on yourself with yourself and for yourself. If you want to be subtle about it, you can decide upon selecting one piece which may be the feature of your outfit i.e. a gorgeous blouse from the 40s, a statement hat from the 20s, a swanky pair of gloves, even a jewel encrusted brooch. Or if you are wanting to go from head to toe, I think it is most important to pay attention to detail! The style of the clothing and accessories you select, are indicative of what look you are trying to achieve. Watch some old films, search the Internet and fashion archives for some inspiration! You will be amazed with what you find! Don’t forget the importance of hair and makeup as well. Thou shall always endeavour to wear red lipstick.

If you can’t find true vintage originals then find a vintage inspired look that suits you.

It’s OK to blend a bit with the old and new but make sure they do blend and go together.

And lastly, carry with you in your day to day life, a bit of the innocence and modesty that our foremothers possessed and Ladies remember… Always be Charming…

Now is your chance to provide us with an overview of who you are and what you do. Tell us as much or as little as you like !!!!

The Lindy Charm School for Girls is dedicated to reviving the golden age of glamour and etiquette of the early 20th century, by introducing girls to red lipstick, Bullet Bra's, girdles, Seemed nylon’s, sky high heels, sexy garters, pin curls, victory rolls, finger waves, eyeliner and a wiggly walk to boot. TLCSFG workshop’s are about keeping the traditions of our foremothers alive.. We are passionate about educating women that glamour and vintage glamour is an art form and needs to be carried on. Too many people have stopped us over the years and told us we reminded them of their grandmother/ mother/ aunty or a film star’s from a bygone era, and how much they love the look. We are here to show women they too can achieve their own look and feel good about themselves.

Our workshops are divided into sections to cover how to recreate hair styles from the 30’s to the 50’s firstly the traditional way and then the newer version using modern styling tools. How to apply make up to give a classic beautiful finish, just as they did back then. Do’s and don’t when it comes to vintage fashions and how/ what IS vintage, and finally a large chunk of time is dedicated to assisting student’s to achieve their own hair and make up style using the information imparted to them.

You can email me if you would like to subscribe to our monthly newsletter: christine@marinaoceanus.com.au or visit our new website that will continue to grow and improves I learn new tricks: http://www.thelindycharmschoolforgirls.com/

Finally, what or who inspires you and why?

My Mother, because of her generosity to society and those among us less fortunate, she would have been the one in the soup kitchens of the great depression.. I also admire women of strength who make a difference in people lives however small, My heroes are my husband and children and family for their love and support and bringing joy constantly to my life. I also admire those girls that have come to the Lindy Charm School for Girls, nervous and unsure of themselves, lacking confidence and belief in themselves and then gone out and defined who they are, have grown in confidence and self esteem to then shared with us their stories, this always make me feel warm inside. Finally I am in constant awe of our foremothers for their ingeniousness and stoicism in what would have been a very hard life for some.


  1. Ahhhh that Jamie Suppa eh?? Loved reading your story Chrissy...you're an absolute 'spin out' in every way. A Great Miss 'Wintersun' June!! Good pick Sen .. xx Jodie

  2. "I also admire women of strength who make a difference in people lives however small"

    I do as well. Another great interview and much to think about. I love the idea of red lipstick and always being charming. xx
