Wednesday, March 17, 2010

High Tea at the Park Hyatt to welcome Carly to Circa Vintage

What a wonderful afternoon I had last Sunday !! Dolling myself up appropriatly, I sojurned into the heart of Melbourne for High Tea at the Park Hyatt. I parked my car at the Fitzroy Gardens and meandered through the beauty of the Autumn afternoon across to the Hyatt where my breath was taken away by the sheer gloriousness of the foyer and grand staircase - what a gracious interior design job...all very art deco inspired ! I soon found myself seated in the restaurant at a table of the most exquisitly dressed women in town (and men too Tim!), and dining on delectable goodies such as mini salmon sandwhiches, scones (with jam and cream), panacotta, mud cake, endless tea and a glass of champaign - de-lightful, de-licious and de-lovely !

Surrounded in all this exquisitness, one could easily be lulled into thinking this was perfection - but what is all this beauty without sparkling company? And last Sunday afternoon certianly had the best of vintage loving company anywhere to be found !! We tired not of talking clothing, art, film, music, dance and culture alongside the 'ordinary' things such as study, children, occupations etc too. For this simple country girl it was an experience to be treasured always !! An enormous big thankyou to Nicole and Tim, Carly, Esther, Victoria of Circa Vintage for organising this most lovely of days ! If you are ever in Gertrude Street, Fitzroy, do make sure you pop in and say hello to the girls from me ! Below are some photos of all the darling women (and Tim) who made the day so special....make sure you also check out their wondeful blogs for more vintage inspiration.....

Julie from Ballarat Vintage Style, and Jules from Poppet

Carly and Esther from Circa, and Candice from Super Kawaii Mama

Claire from HarbourMaster, Tamasein from Underground Cinema and Fiona, aka burlesque dancer Foxtrot India and also from Circa

Marianne from Esme and the Laneway, Victoria from Circa and Eszter from Kitty’s Drawings

Nicole and Tim from Circa, and Maria from Vintage Suburbia

Maria from Vintage Suburbia with yours truely.

Unfortunatly, I had to leave a tad early before full length dress photographs of everyone were taken, but if you look up the blogs listed above, you will see the wonderful gowns in all their glory....and here is a quick snap of me on the grand staircase in my finery too.....

Beautiful day brimming full of vintage loving inspiration !


  1. you all look fantastic, as do all those cakes. yum.

  2. What a special day. You look gorgeous in your dress and red accessories, can't wait to hear more about it.

  3. How fabulous & what a fantastic get together idea!


  4. What a bevy of beauties and your dress is stunning. xx
