Thursday, January 28, 2010

Untouched Art Deco House....

My friend Becky sent me a link to this Art Deco house in the Melbourne suburb of Reservoir, which recently sold for around $500,000. Take a look at these pictures - a beautiful (mostly) untouched peice of everyday, middle class 1930's/1940's Australian design....wouldnt you have loved to get your hands on this one !?

Hmmmm.....the white toilet would deffinatly have to go !!

Oh, I just LOVE that carpet!!!


  1. Wow! Gosh, it looks brand new! Would love to see the house in real life

  2. Oh my my that house and everything last thing in it is utterly gorgeous - the colour of the sofa is lush and that bedroom set is just wow!

  3. No way, I can't believe that still exists, and here in Melbs! It's gorgeous! I want it!

  4. I love her. The blue in the bedroom would have to go and I'm not a carpet fan but I love it all apart from that. I love the price most of all. Unbelievable! xx

  5. Fabulous! If I had known such a house was for sale, I would have bought it in a heartbeat.

  6. Oh my God, that house is amazing! Do you think they sold it with all the furniture too? I love that things like that still exist, and in lil' old Melbourne too!
