Thursday, December 31, 2009

Quote of the month - December 2009

"Love from the center of who you are, dont fake it. Run for dear life from evil, hold for dear life to what is good. Be good friends who love beauty in everyone."

The Message/Romans 12:9, 10 & 17a.

As the old year (and decade!) fades away, LOVE is what I want to hold to stepping over the threshold into the decade to come.

I have been doing some soul searching between Christmas and New Year, and I have come to the fresh realisation that

A parents ultimate goal is that their children grow up knowing they are loved. The goal of a happily married couple is the same: That their spouse continually knows that they are loved.

These are my New Years Resolutions - that I find time each day in some small way to make sure those I care for most dearly know that they are loved.

May you find love this year, in surprising places, in both little and big ways.....and may you have eyes to see where a little love is needed around you everyday.


  1. What a sweet sweet and thought provoking blog - it is very true though, sometimes we go rushing through life that we forget the little things and forget to tell those closest to us just how much we care for them.

    Have a delightful New Years, wishing you lots of joy for 2010

  2. I came across your blog...I LOVE IT...

    What a sweet New Years Resolution, I may adopt it as mine aswell..

    I thought I would tell you about our beautiful art deco theatre here in Charlton (about 2 hours from you) you can check it out here or we have a facebook page that I keep uptodate, its under Rex Theatre Charlton.

    Going back to read more of your blog,

    All the best for 2010

  3. Aw. This is exactly what I needed to hear today. Thank you!
