Friday, August 21, 2009

A visit to Boort

Thought I would post these charming photos after a visit to Boort (Northern Victoria) today. Note the lovely childrens merry go round that is available for hire - how delightful! And what about the pub !! Great 'bones' - dont know about the colour scheme!!!! I had a terrific rummage through the Boort op shop and came home with some great vintage fabric and patterns. There are also a couple of very artistic, creative and vintage shops that make it well worth a drive if you live in the nearby area........little country towns are just gold for character and great discoveries !


  1. I had a terrific rummage through the Boort op shop and came home with some great vintage fabric and patterns.

    That's what I like to hear :)

  2. What a great blog you have here!So glad to have 'found' you. :)
    xx Candice Deville aka Super Kawaii Mama

  3. Girls - so sorry it has teken me forever to respond to your lovely comments.....would you believe that I never had my comments set to come through to my email address !!! I never even knew I had people commenting on my about a slow learner !!! I am so glad you enjoy my posts....I have so much fun putting it all together and reading my friends blog pages too !! Thankyou for making my world that much richer !!! With love, xx.
