Friday, May 9, 2014

The Sex Kitten Stroll

A couple of months ago I took my children along to the local rock n roll dance lessons (I thought it would be a good 'family' thing to do together.) Well, the kids enjoyed it, but an hour was about as much as they could concentrate on and I ended up coming home a bit more frazzled than energised.
So, I think I will leave it for a little while longer - just till they get a wee bit older.
So, while I await that time, its great to know I can still strut my stuff - keeping myself fit and my skills honed (!) - in my kitchen each night doing the Sex Kitten Stroll.
I'm not exactly sure where this dance evolved from (if anyone knows, please post in a comment below), but it is certainly big at all the massive Rockabilly festivals here in Australia, and also in the US and Europe. A bit of an eye candy fest for the guys who get to watch all the hot chickie babes shaking their booty together, line dance fashion but with a hell of a lot more wiggle !
So, just to make sure I don't forget any of the moves, I have put together a little youtube snippet on how to execute The Sex Kitten Stroll..... if the scene is new to you, this might prove handy to begin with.
Best of luck my friends, and I look forward to seeing you on the dance floor in the not too distant future !
PS This was filmed on my HTC phone - hence the dodgy quality, and the fact that my jumper is aqua in the picture, and emerald green like my shoes in real life!!! Humph!!


  1. Aw well done lady, it's a cracking video! I am a complete novice when it comes to dancing, I really am quite uncoordinated, but this was really easy to follow, and i shall practice around my kitchen later with a bit of Elvis!

    Great legs too, and I love your shoes!! Really nice to hear your voice as well, it feels more like meeting the face behind the blog. P x

    1. Hey Porcelina - sorry about my tardy reply - have been away on holidays, but thanks for your lovely compliments! I will be living off your kind words for the next few months :) Since I read your comment I have been trying to think of other ways to incorporate youtube clips into my blog, because you are so right, it does make the whole online/blogging thing so much more personal when there is a face and voice to the site.....would love to get to know you in a similar fashion too ! Looking forward to seeing a clip of you strutting to Elvis ! Til then much love, Kesenya XOXO

  2. Yes !! More video !!! It's so nice to hear another aussie when Im surrounded by Americans. That was so easy to follow.

    1. Thanks Jaede :) I remember traveling home from a long world tour I did in 1997 and on the plane from Honolulu to Australia they were running the newly released "The Castle" - I don't think I have ever felt prouder to be Australian than at that moment! There is just something about our annoying accent that is really really beautiful when you have been missing it for months !!! Bless you my friend, I will put together some more clips :)

  3. Yeah ! I so look forward to them, thank you xxx
