Saturday, August 31, 2013

Oh la la - Sweet Pins Stockings !

As I continue to age (hopefully as gracefully as I am able) I am becoming loath to put photographs of myself online. Not because I am ashamed of my body or anything - I am starting to care less and less what people think of me, maybe that is part of the growing up process! - but more because I take such shocking selfies !!! I follow my dear friend Marianne from Esme and the Laneway, and am always inspired by her creative and artistic images. I on the other hand, find I am constantly frustrated by my own attempts !
Which leads me to my story here today. One of the wonderful delights about blogging is when you get a request to try out a new (and blog appropriate) product. Naturally I was thrilled to bits when Sweet Pins offered to send me a pair of stockings to try out - and do I love them or what! But then, the day came when I realised I was going to have to photograph myself in them....not only a selfie, but one in my underwear no less !!! Hmmmm.
But before we get to that horror, (I want you to have some time to brace your self for it), let me tell you candidly how I found these stockings.
Firstly, they fit my tall frame bea-utifully. Score one.  

Secondly, unlike some other Cuban heeled stockings, I found that these gripped ever so much better. Have you worn Cuban heeled stockings? My feet oftentimes ache at the end of a night in them simply from trying to hang onto my shoes. How my beautiful friend Chrissy Keepence ever manages to dance in them is beyond me. So score two for Sweet Pins.
And also unlike other natural coloured Cuban heeled stockings I have worn, Sweet Pins delightfully highlighted every curve and muscle in my legs. In the past my natural stockings have tended to have a flattening, or 'matt' effect, but not Sweet Pins. They felt sexy and they looked sexy ! Score three. LOVE them.
But it wasn't all sunshine and lollypops. In winter (when I am more inclined to need to wear stockings) I actually tend to dress in 40's trousers, leggings or 60's capris. And in the spring/summer, most of my dresses are lovely light weight and light coloured cottons. Here in lies my only problem with Sweet Pins. The black band at the top and adorable bows - with most of the dresses I wear stockings with, this band is visible through the light coloured cotton. This means I will need to wear a petticoat - which isn't so bad....think Elizabeth Taylor from Cat on a Hot Tin Roof. This is also why I don't actually own a much more sexy black garter belt/ or girdle, as you will see in the delightful photographs. I have only white as I am so practical - I need it to be invisible under my light colour dresses. Maybe I need to get myself a man to dress up in a black suspender belt for.....but that sounds like a topic for another post, another time.......
Firstly, thankyou Sweet Pins, for this wonderful opportunity to test drive your fantastic product - loved your generosity, and really loved your stockings !
So - deep breath shoppers - here you go. Photographs of these delightful stockings as modelled by yours truly in some truly hideous selfies. A thousand apologies in advance.


  1. Va-Va-VOOOM! You look absolutely stunning.

    I know what you mean about stocking selfies. I am just not flexible enough and hubby normally take my photos and he never gets the angles right :(

    I am going to have to get me some of these stockings - they are adorable!

    1. So sorry it has taken me months to reply - I have been very well! Thanks for the va va voom :) - you are so lucky to have someone to take photos for you, but its never quite the same as having your own ye behind the camera is it! Hope you have received your stockings and are enjoying them immensely. Much love XX

  2. Hello,

    Thank you so much for the lovely review! You look absolutely fabulous in the photos.
    I appreciate the comment about the contrast welt, we will definitely keep that in mind for the next collection and add a tone on tone option.


    1. SOrry it has taken e so long to reply Lidia - I haven't been well. Thanks for the opportunity to review Sweet Pins - it was a pleasure and I really love your product! Looking forward to the Tone on Tone version! Much love, Kesenya from Alice Jean's

  3. You are SO brave Ms K to show your half naked self! Sweet pins should send you a years supply for making their product look so sexy!

    1. Sorry it has taken me so long to reply babe - I haven't been well. Well here's hoping I do get a years supply of sweet pins - but exactly how much is a years supply of stockings I wonder???? :) XX

  4. Thanks for the review, I've never heard of Sweet Pins before but I just checked out their shop and it looks great! Plus Australian so not so expensive shipping wise. You look lovely in your "selfie"! I feel the same about posting them, it takes such effort to take good ones.

    1. Awwe, thanks for the compliment - sorry it has taken so long to reply - I haven't been well. Hope you have gotten onto some Sweet Pins and are enjoying them :) Much love Kesenya from Alice Jean's
