Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Hi ho hi ho - its off to work I go......

Well, not really........this is actually what I wore to work last Friday. In many respects I may be a little overdressed for a work environment these days, where a tie can be seen as overly formal, but I just like it. I feel more professional when I am dressed professionally, and that gives me a confidence that I probably would not convey in my skinny jeans and a shirt. Dont get me wrong - there are plenty of times when I dont want to get out of my pajama's, let alone my converse sneakers and comfy 40's high waisted jeans. I guess that sometimes, I just feel the benefits of making the effort within myself in the long term. I feel prettier, more feminine, and as afore said, more professional.

As for this little 60's suit number, well, I made this one out of vintage wool fabric about 6 or 7 years ago after the birth of my first child using a 1960's Jackie O style pattern. Let me tell you now it was one of the hardest patterns I have ever attempted, with the only exception being an evening dress that had those strange little 'armpit triangles' - cringe ! This one was hard namely because sewing with bulky wool, slippery lining and an old pattern that needed to be adjusted to fit me better (without a mannequin at the time I might add) was not a fun experience. Needless to say it has taken me about 6 years to feel ready to tackle a wool suit again !!!!

Regardless of the experience, I am delighted with the outcome - just wish there had been enough material left over to cover a pill box hat for that true Jackie look.....no matter, my Ronnettes hairdo looks the part just the same !!!

Apologies one and all for the awkward mirror shots.....am awaiting the arrival of a tripod with much anticipation !

Top photograph thanks to Brooke Orchard Photography - see link in my side bar.


  1. OMG you look FREAKING AMAZING. Life is too short to dress down, I say.

    1. Shucks......thankyou so much - I couldnt agree more....the opportunites to frock up never come frequently enough and then your 80 and you wonder where it all went - got to create the opportunites methinks !

  2. Gussets, darling - not armpit triangles! You look fab in that straight skirt too. Well done making a suit - lots of work. And the subtle plaid design of the fabric is lovely too.


    1. Ha ha - thanks Trish - knew they had a proper name !!! Eeewwwww how I hate them !!! Whenever I see a pattern with them, I bawlk !! XX

    2. wow this jackie kennedy suit is gorgous darling, you did a great job on it. and i know it is soemtimes really a tough job to make a vintage pattern to fit you, i even prefer making my own patterns to be on the edge of a nervious collapse because of adjusting a pattern;)
      anyway i´m really glad i discovered your blog!!!
      love and kiss,mary

    3. Thanks so much Mary Lou !! de-lightful to meet you.....cant wait to check out your blog too.....mwah !
