Wednesday, March 7, 2012

The best ice cream EVER!

The poppets and I have been on a bit of a kitchen jaunt recently - we have been making all sorts of goodies, and its a great way to spend the idle hours of a weekend or evening together. But by far, the most outstanding item we have made in ages, is this incredible ice cream....seriously, I cannot impress upon you enough just how fantastic this tastes......the verdict is unanimous in our household of 4 ice cream lovers, this recipe is far better than any bought or store made ice cream you will try. Dont believe me? Well, you are just going to have to try it for yourself !!!!

 Best Ice Cream Ever

1.5 cups full cream milk
1.5 cups thickened cream
6 egg yolks
2/3 cup caster sugar
300g dark chocolate

Bring milk almost to boiling point on medium heat.
Remove from heat and add chocolate.
Set aside to melt 5 mins, then whisk until smooth.

Whisk egg yolks in a large bowl with sugar until very thick and pale

Gradually pour in chocolate milk whisking constantly to combine

Return to saucepan and cook on medium heat 5 mins stirring occasionally.
Do not boil.
Cool to room temperature.

In seperate bowl beat cream until firm peaks form and stir into chocolate custard mixture.

We dont posess an ice cream maker, so we poured mixture into a freezer proof pan and popped into the freezer until it began to set (about 2 hours).

Remove from freezer and pour/scrape mixture into an electric beater.
Beat until well and truly 'fluffy'. then re-freeze overnight (6 hours).

Serve alone or with fruit, chocolate or anything else your sweet tooth desires !!

This can be made minus the chocolate and replaced with berries, banana, mint...basically anything that would make scrumpteous ice cream !!!

(Hmmm - that strawberry needs a little love - they were the only two the poppets had left me !!)


  1. Ohhh that looks so good! I've always heard home-made ice cream is better, but I've never had it. How about chocolate-peanut butter-banana?

    1. Yum - choc and peanut butter sounds wonderful.....Reeses peanut butter cups are my all time fav. choccy indulgence but they are a bit hard to come by in Australia......needless to say, if I find a store selling them I stock up !!! Oh - just read you also had bananna in THAT sounds divine.....will have to try putting that one together in the school holidays !!!!

  2. That looks SOOOO yummy! Makes me hungry. :)


    1. Reading back through my posts Lynn, I am hungry too - trouble with home made is that it is never right on hand just when I am ready for it !!! :o)

  3. Very nice post, i love this blog so much,,, ^_^
