Thursday, October 13, 2011

Living Doll - October 2011

I cant begin to tell you how excited I am to introduce to you this month's "Living Doll".....yay, clap hands everyone, Miss October is the ever inspiring 'Marilyn O'Connor'........

What does 'vintage' mean to you?
Vintage, for me is before 1965. Clothing was elegant as were furnishings. We were still looking to land on the moon and the interest in space exploration was an exciting prospect.
Travel was exotic, whether is be across the country or around the world.
What was it that first prompted your interest in vintage culture?
I was always in awe of the elegant men and women I saw in the movies and I loved rock and roll from a very young age. I never did fit in !!! I wanted to wear bobby sox and evening gowns and fabulous hats everywhere, not all at the same time ...hehe....I have a net petticoat that had belonged to an aunt and wore it under anything I could as a child. I still wear that petticoat. I guess I was destined to be "vintage"

What is your favourite era, and do you 'live it' every day? In what ways?
I have two favourite era's, the 1940's and the 1950's I wear vintage or vintage reproductions made by me from vintage patterns everyday. I wouldn't leave the house without hair and makeup done. I also cook from vintage cookbooks and use my 1950's gadgets as they were intended. I don't buy things just to look at they have to be able to be used, worn or read just as they were when they were new.
Tell us about your favourite item of vintage clothing, kitchenalia, music, furniture or whatever !
I have so many favourite things, my house and it's original pink kitchen. My Heywood Wakefield furniture. I have a date book, pickup on ebay, that had belonged to a teenage girl in 1960. She wrote her dates and dances in it, the names of her friends. i so enjoy reading about a small piece of her life. And of course my wardrobe of clothes and my poodle collection.
Can you share with us why vintage culture continues to hold such appeal for you?
The elegance and style that was reflected in everything. Dressing for dinner, the movies, a cocktail party, even a picnic. I love to imagine where my clothes have been and what they have "done" Did a dress "see" Elvis or Dean Martin ...........Things were made to last, quality was important, things made today, I doubt, will be in daily use 50 - 70 years from now.
Do you have any tips for anyone starting out in the vintage scene?
Those who are new to the vintage scene now have so many places where they can research the era or style that appeals to them. The internet is an amazing resource. Be true to yourself and don't choose something just because it's "trendy' right now.

Now is your chance to provide us with an overview of who you are and what you do
I grew up in Australia and now live in Las Vegas. I enjoy sewing and cooking and caring for my husband and house. I like to think of myself as a Domestic Goddess, a title I always use when asked by strangers, what work field am I in. I also have a very active social life and wonderful friends. I have recently begun to perform burlesque and enjoy it very much. When I am in Sydney I like to pick up uniquely Australian 50's pieces to bring back to the US and have them around the house. I have been trying to convince hubby to make tyre swan planters. He seems some what hesitant.
I love to go to flea markets and antique malls, the never ending search for the next perfect thing.
Finally, what or who inspires you and why?
My inspiration comes from many things. The beautiful men and women of the silver screen. Jayne mansfield, Jean Harlow, Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell, Grace Kelly, Clark Gable, Cary Grant and oh so many more, the list goes on. The everyday people of the past, an unknown person in a photo found at a flea market.


  1. Ahhh, the wonderful swan tyre planters!

    She is gorgeous!

  2. Wow - what fabulous style! I say make your own swan tyre planters!

  3. Seems to be a lovely girl!!! Her kitchen is really amazing. Would love to me her oneday!
