Thursday, June 2, 2011

Living Doll - Miss June 2011

We all love our monthly living doll's, but you are really going to enjoy meeting Melanie (aka Rosina Lee)
- she is ther personification of the term !!!

What does 'vintage' mean to you?

Vintage to me in terms of collecting means anything prior to the mid sixties, anything from then onwards I would classify as retro. I also classify vintage as anything with a certain charm to it that may hold some special intangible worth. I like the idea that an item may have been cherished by a family member or some unknown stranger, and that I can continue its history/ or journey forward. I wonder what the original owner would think if they knew their home made sundress was being worn sixty years on?

What was it that first prompted your interest in vintage culture?

My grandmother was always a lady and I fondly remember her back room being filled with handbags, gloves and other delightful items. I also remember spending long hours on the sofa watching her many black and white films. I consciously began wearing vintage and collecting pieces when I moved away from my home city. It was a revelation to me as I felt release moving to a city where nobody knew me and I could embrace the style I had for so long admired. I finally felt comfortable in my own skin.

What is your favourite era, and do you 'live it' every day? In what ways?

My favourite era is the 1950’s with the 1940’s following a close second. If I am not wearing vintage then I “live it”through my house decor, music and recently trying to reflect the values of being gracious and a lady. This year I have started swing dancing and I also teach and perform burlesque in the vintage style.

Tell us about your favourite item of vintage clothing, kitchenalia, music, furniture or whatever !

My favourite piece of vintage clothing is my 1950’s pink debutant ball gown with waxed paper petticoats; I wore this to my grandmothers 90th to honour her. Favourite piece of kitchenalia would be my pastel coloured Nally Bakelite containers. They look perfect against my turquoise walls.

Can you share with us why vintage culture continues to hold such appeal for you?

Its appealing as its now become a way of life, I enjoy the process of setting my hair, preparing what to wear and researching the many aspects of the culture. The New Zealand vintage culture here is full of amazing ladies and gentleman who are supportive and love to share their ideas and latest purchases, I haven’t fortunately encountered any elitism or bad eggs within the culture. I know my mother and her mother enjoy seeing what I am up to or have found as it often re-sparks memories.

Do you have any tips for anyone starting out in the vintage scene?

I found the internet an amazing resource for learning about fashion, make- up, decor etc. Don’t be afraid to experiment with looks or mix and match them to create your interpretation on what works for you. Wear it with confidence - I only wish I had the confidence years ago to embrace the vintage lifestyle as it has introduced amazing opportunities and people into my life.

Now is your chance to provide us with an overview of who you are and what you do.
I am an early childhood teacher at a busy university, married to my gorgeous hubby darling who supported me through the transition to vintage and now prefers me in vintage over the more modern styles. I have a blog named after my alter ego “Miss Rosina lee” and this carry’s through to my burlesque. I love to perform, create and inspire women to discover their inner bombshell.

Finally, what or who inspires you and why?

My mother, grandmothers, amazing friends and children are a constant source of inspiration to me. Nothing buts a smile on my face more than when someone comments that I look just like their mother/ grandmother did back in the day.

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