Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Channeling Elizabeth and Audrey....

In the interests of growing my short heavily bleached blonde locks a little longer, I have returned to my 'natural' brunette colouring. Try as I might I simply could not get my hair to grow much longer than Kim Novak without it looking 'ratty' and 'feral' whilst blonde. So, here am I, back to my old self - albeit with a much shorter 'do' than before (which I actually think is quite cute !!) - in a photo shoot for my dear friend Brooke........and trying my very best to invoke an Audrey Hepburn or Elizabeth Taylor - ish look !! Kisses to you all, and a very wonderful thanksgiving. (I am giving thanks for the awsome blessing of mothers and sisters, fathers and brothers this year !!!) XXXXX


  1. Great shoot, you really hit the Audrey and Liz touch !

  2. You look amazing in that leopard dress! The short hair looks so cute. I wish I could pull off short hair, but my middle-aged chin won't allow it!

  3. LOVE LOVE LOVE the picture in the hat looking at the cupcakes! Gorgeous!

  4. Ooooh, thankyou lovely Gals !!! I have never really been brave enough to try the short hair thing, but the condition of my blonde locks made it a must....and I have been so plesantly surprised !!! And oh yes, the cupcakes were scrumpteous !!! :o)

  5. What gorgeous photos! You look every inch fabulous! The hair length and colour really makes your eyes pop! (I am so envious!)

  6. Where did you get that meow of a dress?! I've been so into leopard this year, and exactly the way you're doing it - withnthe hat, it's divine!
    I wish you lived up here so we could go out for a fancy cocktail!

  7. Oh, rockabilly hag, I actually made my dress, and it is one of my favourites !!! I would so love to go out for a fancy cocktail too...sounds just divine !!! Kisses !!XX

  8. elegance, charme, classe tout y est...
