Sunday, April 4, 2010

Living Dolls - Miss April

Meet the beautiful Jodie Suppa - our stunning Miss April !
What does 'vintage' mean to you?

When I hear vintage, I think of ‘clothing’pre mid 60’s. When dresses were made to suit a woman’s curves and jeans were made to sit at your waist rather than at your hips. I also think of cheese, because I love Vintage Cheese.

What was it that first prompted your interest in vintage culture?

I grew up with my folks listening to Buddy Holly, Wanda Jackson, Gene Vincent, Eddie Cochrane, Waylon Jennings, Bill Haley, The Everley Brothers, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, and Elvis of course. . When I had finished year 12, dad took me to see a friend of his play with his ‘rockabilly’ band called “The Flying Tigers”. I loved it! raw and energetic. Still to this day, I still go out with my folks to see bands. In fact that same ‘friend of dad’s is having his first cd launch this Saturday, 19 years later..yes, I’m going with my folks.

What is your favourite era, and do you 'live it' every day? In what ways?

My favourite era (for music and clothing) is the 1950’s. It was only about 18 months ago that I started developing an interest in the clothing. I have admired the style for a while, but never really considered wearing it. I never thought I would feel confident in this style but it is actually this style that makes me feel confident (does that make sense?). It is not lived ‘everyday’. During the day I am happy to be in my ‘mummy clothes’ (jeans and t.shirt), that way, I don’t have to worry about my nice clothes getting dirty.

Tell us about your favourite item of vintage clothing, kitchenalia, music, furniture or whatever !

I love lots of different 1950’s style music as long as its swinging along and got a catchy tune you will see my toe tappin’. I love to go and see many local bands (Benny & the Fly-by-niters, Detonators & more) and at home on a Tuesday I enjoy listening to my husband’s radio show “It’s a Gas”.

My favourite ‘vintage’ item is my 1940’s cherries pin that I just acquired from Ebay. It’s hanging on its last threads (literally) but I love it!!

Can you share with us why vintage culture continues to hold such appeal for you?

I can’t explain why the music continues to hold such appeal for me. I just love it..and I am disliking the music of today more and more. I do love the old 80’s stuff though. I love that I can meet my parents at the pub as well as my brother and his wife and loads of other friends that I have met over many years thru this scene. I love that all week I can be a mum at home and get messy with my 2 boys but come the weekend I can paint my nails red, wear a pretty dress and high heels and go dancing. How can that not be appealing??

Do you have any tips for anyone starting out in the vintage scene?

Go to Wintersun!

An overview of who you are and what you do. Tell us as much or as little as you like !!!!

I am a wife and a mother of 2 little boys. I am also a fitness instructor for pregnant women. How many jobs can you turn up at and be happy to be there. It keeps me fit (but not trim because I love ice cream too much) and the extra money helps me with my ebay addiction!

Finally, what or who inspires you and why?

All the beautiful and ‘very’ stylish women I have met since hooking up with my husband. (they all know who they are!) I also love reading ‘vintage style’blogs (such as this one!)


  1. What a great post. I love 1950's as well and I totally agree about modern music! xx

  2. Nice to see you up there jodie! fun read and great pics- a living doll without a doubt who looks damn fine in a 50s frock. Thanks for the read Kesenya ;)

  3. jodie was going to send me that dress..... oh hang on... i was going to steal it when she isnt looking . Great blog.. loved it.! Kel McD

  4. Oh shucks you guys! Thank you for your lovely comments..and for inspiring me you gorgeous gals!

  5. Jodie needs a My Sister Pat cossie, how glam would that be! Our cossies renew ones passion to dress up, flatter the figure and flutter the heart.
