Thursday, April 29, 2010

Butterflies in my garden - and my kitchen....

In the beautiful Autumnal sunshine we have been experiencing, my three little poppets have been amusing themselves by running around the garden, butterfly nets in hand, collecting butterflies and caterpillar'ss galore.....I must confess I have never seen anything like the amount of butterflies we have had this year! My 'china doll' bush is simply drenched in fluttering wings - so amazingly pretty !

So in the spirit of life lesson themes, my children and I embarked on making a delicious old fashion favourite - butterfly cakes. Grandma Jean used to make the most delightful butterfly cakes and seemed always able to whip them out for the afternoon tea table, even if we dropped in unexpectedly - amazing woman that she was !

So here is a recipe for yummy butterfly be enjoyed in the sunshine, like any good butterfly would be doing!

Butterfly Cakes

 115g softened butter
115g caster sugar
2 eggs lightly beaten
115g self raising white flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 Cup Milk

Pre heat oven to 180 degrees C. Grease and place patty pans in muffin tray. Sift flour and baking powder into a bowl. Add butter, sugar and eggs and using an electric beater beat until smooth. Add milk and whisk into the mixture. Spoon mixture into paper cases and bake in oven 20 minutes until risen and golden brown. Transfer to a wire rack and let cool.


 Use double cream or whip a small container of cream

Make up a packet of red jelly according to packet directions, preferably using a shallow pie dish instead of deep bowl to set in fridge.

Slice a 'cap' off the cooled cakes and fill the indentation with whipped cream. Cut 'cap' in half and place two pieces (or wings) according to picture. Dig out a teaspoon of jelly and place between 'wings', then dust liberally with icing sugar.

Sit down to eat on a sunny autumn afternoon and prepare to flutter away to fantasy land !


  1. They will do just nicely Sen, next time I drop in unannounced. :0)

  2. Gorgeous! You have inspired me to have a lovely weekend baking!

  3. Gosh! I could just eat them off the screen. You did a really nice job.

  4. Julie - dont get your hopes up honey - this was a one off !! But, with a bit or warning of an aproaching visit, you just never know......

    Sue - I hope your baking weekend went swimmingly !! It certianly was a glorious one here for delicious afternoon tea's in the sunshine !

    Atomic Mum - thanks for your sweet comment - I have never made these before, so it was a bit of a jump in the deep end type experience, just glad they were sucessful !! I usually make yummys cetering on a chocolate theme (!) so my hubby really enjoyed the variance !

    Love to you all !! XX

  5. The cake is lovely and the decoration is beautiful. You have a great mentor. :)
