Monday, March 15, 2010

Prize Winners !

Here are our five very lucky prize winners who have scored themsleves a double pass each to the movie "My one and only" - heartfelt congrats to you all !! Do enjoy your special night out thanks to Hopscotch Promotions and Alice Jeans !

A big thankyou to all the wonderful people who entered the competition via blog, facebook, text and word of mouth - and you were all correct....the answer to the question "What colour is the Cadillac convertable that Ann purchases and travels across America in?" is BLUE ( BABY BLUEor LIGHT BLUE if you really want to get technical!!)

Could the winners please contact me with their postal addresses and I will get the double passes to you ASAP !

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations to the winners. The movie sounds right up my street! X
