Sunday, January 24, 2010

Living Dolls - Miss January 2010

I draw my inspiration for vintage living from many places, one of which is the fine group of women who live vintage every day (just like me!!). So, I have decided to honour their style and dedication by creating a new section on my blog - Living Dolls. Living Dolls are mothers, nurses, models, photographers, graphic designers, grandmothers, students, teachers - infact you name it, they come from every walk of life but have this one thing in common - they love and live vintage ! Be inspired with me......

And here is Miss January 2010 - meet the lovely Dawn Collier......

What does 'vintage' mean to you?

‘Vintage’for me is all encompassing and is part of who I am. I love the aesthetics of 1940s and 1950s furniture, particularly mid-century modern, and textiles. It is such a thrill when I find a piece of furniture, bric-a-brac or clothing/fabric that I can admire and make part of my life. I also believe they just don’t make things like they used too. Such a joy to love what I love!!

What was it that first prompted your interest in vintage culture?

When I was a teenager I could’t quite get into what my friends liked and felt there must be something else out there more interesting. Then when I was about 16 some exciting events took place, I was introduced to 50s music and vintage clothing!! I finally found what I liked and the music and vintage was it.

What is your favourite era, and do you 'live it' every day? In what ways?

I have always been enamoured with the 1940s and1950s and yes for the most part I do ‘live’ the lifestyle from wearing the clothing to having the furniture in my house, to listening to the music and to admiring the cars. Don’t get me wrong though there are many, many things about modern life I love and couldn’t live without but for me I love the by-gone-eras. I don’t want to live in the 50s though as that would be too depressing but if I could be transported to the late 40s, early 50s for a moment in time then fab! Imagine being able to spend time in a department store!!!

Tell us about your favourite item of vintage clothing, kitchenalia, music, furniture or whatever !

I go through stages with things that are my favourites as it depends what I am into at the time but here is a list of items I love right now!

My 1950s chiffon bombshell dresses

My Hawaiian collection

Remix shoes

My vintage fabric collection

My vintage Bakelite and costume jewellery collection

Atomic Ranch Magazine

My 1950s blonde wood buffet made by Resando

My 1950s inspired kitchen

Can you share with us why vintage culture continues to hold such appeal for you?

As I said indicated before I love the aesthetics of vintage. I enjoy being around people who are like-minded as well who get a kick out of the thrill of finding something unique are rare. It’s fun!!!

Do you have any tips for anyone starting out in the vintage scene?

Just think about what you like and go from there. There are many places and avenues you can meet like-minded people such as facebook, myspace, blogs and the internet in general. Boy if I had access to the internet when I was a teenager I would have gone crazy!!! The other way to seek out people is to go to festivals, gigs, burlesque events, flea markets etc.

Now is your chance to provide us with an overview of who you are and what you do. Tell us as much or as little as you like !!!!

I am a Nurse Consultant by day and a burlesque performer/producer by night!! I have been in heathcare for years and it’s what I do but I love performing and producing!! I have been a member with Hi Ball Burlesque since its inception and am now branching out into producing shows such as Australia’s first ever annual burlesque festival.

I love collecting Bakelite, Mexican & Renoir jewellery, vintage clothing such as bombshell dresses, Hawaiian, Mexican etc. I really like Resando Australian furniture from the 50s and Rattan.

Love my cactus garden, love to sew and I love burlesque.

(Dawn's blogg is The Girl Cant help it)

Finally, what or who inspires you and why?

I get my inspiration from all sorts of people ranging from my husband, to my girlfriends to acquaintances and associates. There are so many interesting and inspiring people in my life. It is wonderful!!!

More about the Annual Burlesque festival.........
Australian Burlesque Festival 2010

Chaz Royale, Sapphira and Tease Inc (Dolores Daiquiri & Rosy Rabbit) presents the first International Australian Burlesque Festival!

The festival will take place from 3rd June to 6th June in Melbourne and 12th June Sydney, spanning two cities and will showcase some of our finest performers as well as International stars!!


Applications to perform at the first annual Australian Burlesque Festival are now open! We are seeking Burlesque, Cabaret, Vaudeville, Circus, Hosts, Comedians and more…

In order to recieve your application pack please email:



We have a range of sponsorship opportunities and would be delighted to hear from potential sponsors. The major sponsors will be featured in the festival program and have the opportunity to showcase products and services at the exclusive gala event.

To find out how your brand can be featured in our Festival please contact us for a sponsorship presentation.

For all enquiries please contact us.


  1. What a fun post and wonderful interview. Oh how I wish I could go to the festival.

    Thanks doll,
    The Glamorous Housewife

  2. What a great idea for a series. I enjoyed reading about Dawn. How wonderful that she gets to experience two such different worlds. I love her green frock in the first pic. xx

  3. You are such a doll Kesenya. Thanks for making me Miss January. I feel honoured. Big kisses for promoting the fest too.

  4. Hey kesenya- thanks for writing such a wonderful post on someone I am lucky to call a good pal! Michele xx
