Sunday, January 31, 2010

Vintage Movie Club - February 2010 East of Eden

Our humble little movie club is screening John Steinbeck's "East of Eden" this month....feel free to tagg along and watch it with us - wherever you live in the world !! We will be watching it on the 18th of February, and as a new twist to our movie club, will be leaving review comments afterwoods - please feel free to watch and leave your comment on this film after the watch date too !! You dont need to be in the same room with us to be a part of our movie club !!

East of Eden (1955) is director Elia Kazan's updated re-telling of the Biblical story of rival brothers, Cain and Abel and a paradise lost. Writer Paul Osborn's screenplay adapted John Steinbeck's 1952 novel with the same title for this dramatic Warner Bros. film. [The film tells only a small portion of Steinbeck's work, leaving out the childhood of the parents and the Chinese character of Lee.] One of the film's posters exclaimed:

East of Eden is a story of explosive passions and Elia Kazan has made it into a picture of staggering power.

James Dean represents the unappreciated son Cal (representing Cain) who vies against his dull, stuffy brother Aron (representing Abel) for the affections of their father. The maligned Cain character, representing the unlikeable and outcast Kazan himself (for naming names before the HUAC Committee in 1952), becomes the hero of this film. As the poster stated, "Sometimes you can't tell who's good and who's bad!..." (This was the only one of James Dean's three major films released before his death.)

(From Filmsite)


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Untouched Art Deco House....

My friend Becky sent me a link to this Art Deco house in the Melbourne suburb of Reservoir, which recently sold for around $500,000. Take a look at these pictures - a beautiful (mostly) untouched peice of everyday, middle class 1930's/1940's Australian design....wouldnt you have loved to get your hands on this one !?

Hmmmm.....the white toilet would deffinatly have to go !!

Oh, I just LOVE that carpet!!!

Sunday, January 24, 2010

To blonde or not to blonde? That IS the question.......

I have been tossing too and fro in my head the idea of going blonde lately. I have never really been any other colour than (natural) brunette, and have always advocated the sophistication and general classiness of brunettes over blondes. However, hubby recently suggested trying it before 'time runs out to be able to pull it off' - and he does have a point ! So, I have compiled a list of pro's and con's to going blonde, and thrown in a few glamerous ideals for both sides of the story........what are your thoughts on the whole blonde vs brunette debate?

Advantages to going blonde:

It would be fun to try the whole 'Hitchcock Blonde look' at least once in my life! (I am certianly no platnum blonde bombshell!!)......

Would prefer to try the blonde look while my face still has a bit of youth in it....

Blondes do seem to get noticed more....

Blonde seems to lend a face a bit more youth....

If I dont like it I can always dye it back again (although it will loose some condition, I know).....


Seems silly to dye my hair when there arnt too many greys in it yet....

Have just learnt to love the look I have been born with (ie. Dita Von Tease look pale skin and dark hair). Not everyone in Australia needs to have that sun kissed, bleached look !

Maintenance, maintenance, maintenance !

I have very pale skin - will it look stuipd?

Health concerns with chemical bleaches?........

They are my for the inspiration........

To Blonde .........

The incomparable Marilyn

Breathtaking Mamie Van Doren

Ever charming Doris Day

Jane Fonda in one of my fav. movies - Cat Ballou

Perfect Hitchcock Blonde Grace Kelly

Ever lovely Lana Turner

Enchanting Zsa Zsa Gabor

Deadly blonde bombshell Diana Dors

Unmistakeable blonde Bridget Bardot

And not to Blonde........

The amazing Dita Von Tease

Exquisit Gene Tierney

A young and beautiful Elizabeth Taylor

Darling French actress Capucine

Beautiful perfection - Vivien Leigh

Modern Classic Beauty - Catherine Zeta Jones

Beautiful and oh so tragic Judy Tyler (died in a car crash after completing the film Jailhouse Rock with Elvis)

Magical Cyd Charisse - dancer extrodinair (and exquisitly beautiful as well!)

And the now imortally beautiful Jean Simmons.

History of hair dye:
(from ehow)

"In the Dark Ages, red hair first appeared as the result of a genetic mistake. For many years, people with natural red hair were subjected to suspicions of witchcraft. However, in the 16th Century, Queen Elizabeth I's natural vibrant red hair made red hair more acceptable, and soon hair was being reddened with items such as henna, which dated back to the ancient Egyptians. During the Baroque period, when elaborate powdered wigs were popular, the colors ran the gamut of pastels, from pinks and yellow, to even blue. Blond hair continued to be desirable, with potassium lye or caustic soda being use to bleach the hair. Victorian women used large hats with an open top to expose their treated hair to the strong sun. At the same time, gray hair was popular, bringing back hair powder to heighten the affect. For a time, silver nitrate was used to darken hair until overuse resulted in a purple color. It was this purple result that would eventually lead to the creation of the first synthetic hair dye.

In the 1800s, chemists discovered para-phenylenediamine (PPD) and its use in the creation of synthetic dye. At the same time, it was found that hydrogen peroxide was a gentler and safer chemical for hair bleaching. These two discoveries paved the way for Eugene Schueller, who created the first commercial chemical hair dye, which he christened "Aureole." That product would go on to be known as "L'Oreal." The double-process for dying hair blond soon followed, and in 1932 hair dye was further refined by Lawrence Gelb who created hair dye that actually penetrated the shaft of the hair. His company would be called "Clairol." Later, in 1950, he would introduce the first one-step hair dye product that actually lightened hair without bleach. This ushered in the modern era of hair dye, including the ability for hair to be dyed at home. "

Well.......should I or shouldnt I? What do you think?

Living Dolls - Miss January 2010

I draw my inspiration for vintage living from many places, one of which is the fine group of women who live vintage every day (just like me!!). So, I have decided to honour their style and dedication by creating a new section on my blog - Living Dolls. Living Dolls are mothers, nurses, models, photographers, graphic designers, grandmothers, students, teachers - infact you name it, they come from every walk of life but have this one thing in common - they love and live vintage ! Be inspired with me......

And here is Miss January 2010 - meet the lovely Dawn Collier......

What does 'vintage' mean to you?

‘Vintage’for me is all encompassing and is part of who I am. I love the aesthetics of 1940s and 1950s furniture, particularly mid-century modern, and textiles. It is such a thrill when I find a piece of furniture, bric-a-brac or clothing/fabric that I can admire and make part of my life. I also believe they just don’t make things like they used too. Such a joy to love what I love!!

What was it that first prompted your interest in vintage culture?

When I was a teenager I could’t quite get into what my friends liked and felt there must be something else out there more interesting. Then when I was about 16 some exciting events took place, I was introduced to 50s music and vintage clothing!! I finally found what I liked and the music and vintage was it.

What is your favourite era, and do you 'live it' every day? In what ways?

I have always been enamoured with the 1940s and1950s and yes for the most part I do ‘live’ the lifestyle from wearing the clothing to having the furniture in my house, to listening to the music and to admiring the cars. Don’t get me wrong though there are many, many things about modern life I love and couldn’t live without but for me I love the by-gone-eras. I don’t want to live in the 50s though as that would be too depressing but if I could be transported to the late 40s, early 50s for a moment in time then fab! Imagine being able to spend time in a department store!!!

Tell us about your favourite item of vintage clothing, kitchenalia, music, furniture or whatever !

I go through stages with things that are my favourites as it depends what I am into at the time but here is a list of items I love right now!

My 1950s chiffon bombshell dresses

My Hawaiian collection

Remix shoes

My vintage fabric collection

My vintage Bakelite and costume jewellery collection

Atomic Ranch Magazine

My 1950s blonde wood buffet made by Resando

My 1950s inspired kitchen

Can you share with us why vintage culture continues to hold such appeal for you?

As I said indicated before I love the aesthetics of vintage. I enjoy being around people who are like-minded as well who get a kick out of the thrill of finding something unique are rare. It’s fun!!!

Do you have any tips for anyone starting out in the vintage scene?

Just think about what you like and go from there. There are many places and avenues you can meet like-minded people such as facebook, myspace, blogs and the internet in general. Boy if I had access to the internet when I was a teenager I would have gone crazy!!! The other way to seek out people is to go to festivals, gigs, burlesque events, flea markets etc.

Now is your chance to provide us with an overview of who you are and what you do. Tell us as much or as little as you like !!!!

I am a Nurse Consultant by day and a burlesque performer/producer by night!! I have been in heathcare for years and it’s what I do but I love performing and producing!! I have been a member with Hi Ball Burlesque since its inception and am now branching out into producing shows such as Australia’s first ever annual burlesque festival.

I love collecting Bakelite, Mexican & Renoir jewellery, vintage clothing such as bombshell dresses, Hawaiian, Mexican etc. I really like Resando Australian furniture from the 50s and Rattan.

Love my cactus garden, love to sew and I love burlesque.

(Dawn's blogg is The Girl Cant help it)

Finally, what or who inspires you and why?

I get my inspiration from all sorts of people ranging from my husband, to my girlfriends to acquaintances and associates. There are so many interesting and inspiring people in my life. It is wonderful!!!

More about the Annual Burlesque festival.........
Australian Burlesque Festival 2010

Chaz Royale, Sapphira and Tease Inc (Dolores Daiquiri & Rosy Rabbit) presents the first International Australian Burlesque Festival!

The festival will take place from 3rd June to 6th June in Melbourne and 12th June Sydney, spanning two cities and will showcase some of our finest performers as well as International stars!!


Applications to perform at the first annual Australian Burlesque Festival are now open! We are seeking Burlesque, Cabaret, Vaudeville, Circus, Hosts, Comedians and more…

In order to recieve your application pack please email:



We have a range of sponsorship opportunities and would be delighted to hear from potential sponsors. The major sponsors will be featured in the festival program and have the opportunity to showcase products and services at the exclusive gala event.

To find out how your brand can be featured in our Festival please contact us for a sponsorship presentation.

For all enquiries please contact us.

Vintage Art - Hubcap handbag !

Do you know, one of the things I love most about the whole vintage cultural scene is the huge tie that is had with the artistic world. The vintage cultural scene is choc full of creative and artistic people producing some wonderful vintage inspired art - commercial, practical, low brow or high brow art - it's all there! Fashion, make up, hairstyles, car art, original music, burlesque costume and dance, architecture, decor and of course the more 'traditional' aspects of art - painting and sculpture. I simply love it ! And here is something else to love.....

My darling friend Brenton made this beautiful peice of practical art - a shiney, statement peice for any fashionista and an intriguing talking point for any car enthusiast......the wonderful hubcap handbag ! Made from hubcaps off a late 1960's Falcon and lined with felt it certianly gets attention wherever it goes, not to mention holds all my lippy's and sunglasses mean feat for any handbag !

If you would like to know more simply leave a comment and I will be sure an pass it on to Brenton for you.

A world of creativity - you gotta love it !

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Swimsuits, swimsuits, swimsuits !

Call them bathers, togs, swimsuits, swimming costumes or whatever you fancy, here in Australia while the weather is roasting, it is most deffinatly swimsuit time !!!

My darling friend Brooke gave me the most wonderful book for Christmas - "The Swimsuit" by Sarah Kennedy - and I have been gobbling up its pages for the past few weeks ! Picture if you will, sitting in the shade of a big willow, beside a pretty little lake while the kiddlie-winks splash and play, I lol on my towel in my replica vintage navy and white spotted cossie, reading this treasure filled snapshot of aprox. 100 years of bathing culture. It has been a wonderful summer so far, thanks to this highly informative reading adventure........

I simply adore vintage swimsuits, but unfortunatly, have yet to own an authentic original. I have a couple of replica's, and am continuously hunting for good vintage bathers patterns to make some of my own, however, both vintage bathers and vintage bather patterns are as elusive as deep sea pearls to a person who mearly splashes at the shore ! Once again, my darling friend Brooke to the rescue - she has a couple of gorgeous vintage bathers that she has used in her photo shoots........

(Hubby and I model for Brooke in one of her darling Jantzen vintage swimsuits - above)

I can also reccomend My Sister Pat for lovely cotton vintage style one and two peice bathers. Great for swanning by the pool and looking glamerous, probably not so hot for intense training and laps !!!

In last years January edition of "Notebook" magazine, the following replica vintage bathers appeared on the cover, to my utter delight and I promptly raced out and bought myself an edition of the magazine hoping to find details of stockists. To my disapointment there was no listing of the stockists to be found anywhere in the magazine - can anyone help with this information?

And finally, something for all Wintersun, Circa Vintage and Lindy Charm School for Girls devotees to get excited about !! Appearing at this years Wintersun festival will be the following:

Ooooooh, I am so excited about this !!! I have been wishing Wintersun would include fashion parades at their festival for years and years !! Now my dream has finally come true !!! I am so delighted to see vintage love spreading more and more to fashion and cultural history, and not simply music and cars (though I love them too!!)!!! Be sure you get there and support this wonderful event !!!

Dita Von Tease looking resplendant as always !

Blonde bombshell Mamie Van Doren
I would love to hear any vintage bathers stories my friends and readers would like to share, any great shops for bathers and patterns, any advice and tips on caring for vintage bathers - please leave your comments and lets all share our vintage bathers love !!!!

One mint julep was the cause of it all..............

How I love this old song! Love of this song inspired me to chase up a Mint Julep recipe online and share it with you here........(thankyou to Gourmet Traveller for this one)


Serves 1
10 fresh small mint leaves
30 ml sugar syrup
4 dashes Angostura bitters
75 ml bourbon
1 mint sprig, to garnish

To serve: 1 straw (optional)

1 Chill the glass you intend to use for at least 1 hour beforehand.

2 In a bar glass or shaker, add mint leaves, sugar syrup and bitters and gently stir and press the mint with a bar spoon. The idea is to expose the flavour of the mint without opening up its more bitter characteristics. Add the bourbon and stir to combine. (You can leave this mixture to macerate for 30 minutes or more if you prefer a stronger mint flavour.)

3 Pack the chilled glass with crushed ice and strain the mixture into it, then stir thoroughly, churning the liquid through the ice with a long-handled spoon until the outside of the glass is thoroughly frosted. Perfectionists insist on not touching the cold glass with bare hands, and some obsessives even insist on keeping a glove or cloth between warm hands and cold glasses while Juleps are being prepared.

4 Add more crushed ice and bourbon to fill, garnish with a mint sprig and serve with a straw. (The drink can be refrigerated, ready to go, at this stage – only the garnishing should be left to the last minute.)

This is lovely on a hot summer's evening, and is the official drink of the Kentucky Derby. Sit back, glass in hand, press play on the song below and imagine you are in the deep South! Ahhhhhh .....

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

One Mint Julep" is a rhythm and blues song written by Rudy Toombs that became a hit for The Clovers. It was recorded by Atlantic Records in New York City on December 19, 1951 and released in March of 1952. It was one of the first "drinking songs" to become a hit and one of the first to feature a tenor sax solo. It was an important step in the history of Ahmet Ertegün and Atlantic Records in its quest to become a hot rhythm and blues label. Stylistically the The Clovers were moving away from the sentimental lyrics of the romantic doo-wop group songs and adapting a cooler group style, emphasizing rhythm more, nearing the style of a jump blues combo.

Toombs was hired by Atlantic to write humorous up-tempo rhythm and blues novelty songs. Atlantic wanted material that was true to life but also funny. The humor in this song comes in part from the idea of a young black man getting drunk on mint juleps, thought of as an aristocratic southern white woman's drink.

Finger nail magic.......

Does anyone have trouble finding that perfect red nailpolish to define your vintage glamour? I constantly seem to be repairing nail polish that has chipped or broken, at least weekly I change my nail colour (to red again !!) to keep that well manicured look. Where I live we do not have nail tech's on every corner, and to be perfectly frank they are a little beyond our one income budget right now - one of lifes luxuries - so it is up to the me to maintain my nails as best I can. For many Australian women in the 1950's, this was a given anyhow, so I have decided to road test 5 cheap to average priced nailpolishes, available in any Priceline store across the country. Let's see which one last the longest, with the least chips, and maintains the best appearance at the end of a week of cooking, cleaning, gardening, baby caring, and playing !

I have chosen, from left to right,
Savy 'Danger Red'
Revlon "Revlon Red'
Australia 'Valentine'
Rimmel Double 'Decker Red'
Maybeline 'Racy Red'

and painted my left hand from left to right in that pattern........

As you can see, the colours look almost identical !! Infact I showed a number of friends and no one could tell that they were actually five different colours! I guess I just love that red !!!

And after one week, this was the same hand.......

You can see that the Savy and the Rimmel can off 'worst for wear' with the most chipping, followed by the maybeline on my thumb. It is worth noting however that these three fingernails are probably my longest. The classic Revlon Red came in second best, and the winner with least chipping, was Australis 'Valentine'.

All the polishes chipped, peeled and broke, so regardless of the 'winner', my nails would still have required re-doing at the end of a week. The moral of this story - if you are going to paint your nails yourself, be prepared for the maintenance involved ! But dont red fingernails look lovely? They are so worth it !!!

Thursday, January 14, 2010

First blogger award for Alice Jean's !!

To my total delight, I received this 'Beautiful Blogger' award from the lovely Ruth at 'Celebrate Friendship' and 'Daily Devine' - thankyou Ruth for your beautiful and most flattering award.

I'm supposed to tell you seven things about me and share this award to seven other bloggers (who then do the same for other bloggers if they wish).

So, here goes - Seven Things about me:

1. I was OBSSESSED with Anne of Green Gables as a teenager

2. My husband was my very first boyfriend - we met when I was 23.

3. I was a tall, gangly, ugly duckling as a child - which explains why I never had a boyfriend before my honey! However, I think it was the best thing in the world for me - gave me independance, individuality, and a focus on life and living instead of 'boys'!!

4. I always wanted to be an astronaught.....until I found out that you need to be quite brilliant at physics and maths !

5. I am living my dream of being a stay at home, 1950's style Mum !

6. I think my kids watch far too much television and am attempting to curb that !

7. Am making a dark green with aqua, gold and red spotted wiggle dress at the moment !

(I use exclamations alot dont I !!)

I would like to pass this award on to the following beautiful bloggers who regularly inspire me.....congrats to you all!!!

Number one:

The ever lovely Josephine at Tale Peddler. Her blog is a delightful romp through all things 'mysterious, nostalgic and artistic' !

Number Two:

Beautiful Lydia at Vintage Beauty Blog - how vintage mama's keep their glam after kids ! All you ever need to know to be a beautiful vintage kitten !

Number three:

Stunning Naomi at Screen Siren - an elegent look at classic cinema and all things associated with the golden age of movies !!

Number Four:

The amazing Julie at 'Julies Provincial Patch' - truely lovely photography and beautiful sewing creations, not to mention delightful country living, to be found at this charming little 'patch'.

Number Five:

Darling Kori at Blonde Episodes - if you need to know anything about golden age cinema (particularly Marilyn Monroe) then Kori is bound to have it covered !

Number Six:

Utterly enchanting Isabelle at Suzy's Vintage Atic - this romantic blog is a delightful journey into all things beautiful, magical and pretty. You will be swept away by some of the lovely images here......

Number Seven:

Vintage darling Rosina Lee at Rosina Lee will captivate you with her life less ordinary ! A beautiful vintage kitten.................

Number Eight (yes, I couldnt pick 7 so have added one extra if I may!!):

Newly discovered blogging jewel,  Wearing History will inspire your sewing creativity and love of vintage clothing, style and elegence! I am sewpt away ! And she also has an online store too......

Please take the time to explore all these beautiful blogs - I know you will be utterly enchanted every time you venture there just as I am !! And a huge big thankyou to the lovely Ruth for including me in this humble little award - I feel most honoured !!!