Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Quote of the month - May 2012

Give your hearts,
But not into each other's keeping,
For only the hand of life can contain your hearts.
And stand together,
Yet not too near together:
For the pillars of the temple stand apart
And the oak tree and the cypress grow not in each others shadow.

Kahlil Gibran

Monday, May 28, 2012

Daily outfit.......Priscilla Presley Love....

Well, this was one of my outfits last week....I just adore the 60's cigarette leg pants look...its so beachy, so fun, makes me just wanna 'Slice some sand', have a 'clam bake' or totally 'Spin out"..... maybe I will just content myself with just looking like Priscilla instead....although I still think my hair is not quite high enough for that ! Viva la 60's !!!!

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Wow - if your not going to Wintersun, this is the place to be.......

and another wonderful Lindy Charm School for Girls session to get on board with..........

Monday, May 21, 2012

New 60's Hair........

In a vastly different move for me, I have started doing my hair very 1960's in style. In my humble opinion, your hairstyle will make or break your can wear vintage till the cows come home, but unless your hair is coiffured to match, you might as well be wearing a hessian bag. As such, I have experimented and played with various options for the last 2 years, trying to find something that suited my needs, made me feel beautiful and complimented the wardrobe I have grown. It has been so much fun playing around with styles and colours...

 I have been a blonde.....

I have been a red head.........

A short haired brunette.........

And a bit of a 1920's bob (didnt really work because it had no bounce or life, being frazzled hair)

However, my hair has now had about all it can take of the experimenting. It is time for a hair health holiday. My aim is to grow it out till it looses its frizziness and stops breaking - but what to do in the meantime? I dont want to wear a hairstyle that looks like it SHOULD compliment a hessian sack !

It is the 1960's to the rescue. The 60's became known for its elaborate coiffures and updos, complimented by various wigs and hairpieces....perfect to bulk up my stringy hair. With a bit of backcombing at the top, and some strategic pinning, I can achieve the 'neat and tidy' secretarial look that is something akin to Joan in Mad Men - more practise is needed to throw a few curls and interesting bits into the do, but we are getting there. The other style - a variation of this - is to leave the ponytail attachment out as a long pony tail instead of twisting it into a bun....similar look, but a bit more Priscilla Presley or even Audrey Hepburn.

Ultimately, I hope to return to a red head at some stage, but for now, its the 1960's look for me, and I have to say, as a busy working single mum of three, this look is ideal for getting through my ordinary days with is so quick and easy to do, stays put without a fuss and actually suits the early 1960's sundresses and cigarette leg pants I am so fond of. Score !!!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Handcrafted Handbag....

The other day my adorable children returned home from school toting this amazing handbag for me - you can imagine my surprise and delight with it !! The office manager at their school had had it made for me by her mother, who is one amazing seamstress. I simply had to share it with my readers.....

The bag is so lovely - perfect size for a mummy who needs to carry everything with her, and the handle sits at perfect height on my hip too. The colours match my wardrobe beautifully and who could fail to love the cute vintage print fabric !! Dee's (Office Manager's) Mum does not have an official business as such, but she does make exquisit handbags that she sells at her daughters shoe store - Adeles Shoe Gallery in Kerang (which is also a great shop to visit - they stock sensational shoes that are just that little bit quirkey and different !) If you would like a bag as divine as this, head to the Adeles Shoe Gallery facebook page and get in touch to place an order! And remember that in doing so you support local talent, local industries and businesses.......makes for one very satisfying purchase ! Happy Shopping !

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Daily outfit.....visitors for morning tea.....

Last week the incomparable Bec Sherlock and Heather Hensley joined me for morning tea - and this is what I wore to entertain my guests. My favourite green beads ($10 at some cheapy shop), a black silk like tank top that I have had since day dot, cute little brown Country Road cardi that I scored at an op shop in Nihl about 10 years ago ( I hoard everything), and a fun little skirt I made this summer from the most beautiful mid century polished cotton fabric I found at the local Trash and Treasure for two bucks....couldnt be happier with that !!!

This was actually the last time I wore my hair ah la 1950's. I have made the move into the next decade in an attempt to keep my 'youth' just a bit longer. I love 1950's hair - especially when it is platinum or red, but I am attempting to give some health back to my fried locks, so it needs a bit of rest from the intense dying and bleaching it has been exposed to over the past two years...... next time you see me I will be sporting a quite different, although still mid century, style !!!

Friday, May 11, 2012

Living Doll - Miss May

Living Dolls are mothers, nurses, models, photographers, graphic designers, grandmothers, students, teachers - in fact you name it, they come from every walk of life but have this one thing in common - they love and live vintage !

Our Miss May is the effervescent, warm hearted super stunner, Miss Lucy Topp.......

What does 'vintage' mean to you?

To me vintage is something old with history, with a story. I love the romance

of wondering what kind of life and experiences a garment, a piece of furniture or

jewellery has had before me!

What was it that first prompted your interest in vintage culture?

When I was 10 years old, I lived next door to this amazing young lady... she lived in 50’s dresses every day, had a cool car.... she introduced me to Marilyn, Elvis and the Andrews Sisters. She made me my first polka dot skirt and taught me to swing dance!! I totally fell in love with this gorgeous creature and a passion for all things vintage was born! Her name is Joy Taylor and her label ‘Hot Couture’ makes dresses from original 50’s patterns.... we still love each other all these years later! xx


What is your favourite era, and do you 'live it' every day? In what ways?

This is so hard for me to answer as I love all era’s from the 20’s through to the 60’s and all appeal to me and inspire me for different reasons! If I had to choose one, I would say the 40’s... even though not as decadent as the 50’s... I love the ‘Mend and Make do’ mentality, the hairstyles and the simple red lips which I wear myself every day. I love that they were able to be glamorous with very little money, even drawing seams on the back of their legs if they had no stockings! I don’t LIVE one style of era, nor am I puritanical about dressing from head to toe in one decade... instead I am influenced by all in different ways on different days!

Tell us about your favourite item of vintage clothing, kitchenalia, music, furniture or whatever !

There are MANY vintage things I love.... but I would have to say the things that have been handed down through the family are my favourites! We have a vintage brooch that was my great, great Grandmothers.... it is known as ‘The Wedding Brooch’ and has been worn by all the Brides in our family. I have an old clock on my wall, that has chimed ever since I can remember... my parents found it in England in a country shed and had it restored... I have no idea what its value is... but the ‘Tick Tock’ is so comforting to me!! My Mothers pearls and my Great Auntie Hilly’s engagement ring from the 20’s.... my Grandma’s signet ring she got in 1920 for her tenth birthday.... these are priceless treasures to me and I wear them always. Otherwise, I have a huge passion for vintage brooches which I collect from everywhere! No matter what I am wearing, or the occasion I always pin one on to jazz up an outfit! xx

Can you share with us why vintage culture continues to hold such appeal for you?

I love the glamour and elegance of by gone era’s.... I think the world was more romantic and classy back then! I also adore the hair and makeup of the 40’s and 50’s and with my work as a Hair and Makeup Artist, I love taking my clients through the experience of transformation from modern day to Vintage Goddess!!

Do you have any tips for anyone starting out in the vintage scene?

Have fun with it!!! We are no longer living in these times.... but we can be inspired by them and bring elements of the glamour and elegance into our everyday! Whether that is curling your hair and pinning in a flower, wearing red lipstick and pearls or some seamed stockings..... just start somewhere and develop your own style around those influences!

Now is your chance to provide us with an overview of who you are and what you do. Tell my readers as much or as little as you like !!!!

Hello my lovelies! I am a Sydney based hair and makeup artist and I have been making gals glam fulltime for about 8 years now. I fell in love with makeup when my Mama gave me a red lipstick at the age of three and I have been playing with it ever since! I feel SO lucky to be doing what I love as a profession and I always say I ‘Get paid to play’!!! I do all sorts of hair and makeup and work in Bridal, Fashion, Studio and Event, but I have a real passion for and specialise in the looks of the 40’s and 50’s! I run workshops and private lessons to teach you how to perfect the Vintage Look... I do Hen’s Parties and of course I can glam you up for your event, shoot or party!

or my Website to have a look at my work or send me an enquiry! I would LOVE to make you up! Xx

Finally, what or who inspires you and why?

So many things inspire me all the time! I love when I am dressed for a Vintage Event and a lovely old lady comes and shares with me her beauty secrets and how she used to do pin curls! Art inspires me, music inspires me.... the seasons and nature inspire me. Like minded, creative and strong women inspire me! I love that we all love and support each other along our paths! Thank you so much Miss Kesenya for asking me to share a bit about myself with your lovely readers! Mwah xxx Lucy

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

New beginnings - a daily outfit

Upon suggestion from the ever inspiring Julie at Narioka, I have decided to post my 'daily outfit' more regularly.....OK, I dont intend to put online what I am wearing everyday - for a start, I just dont have the time to upload photographs from my camera every day - but I will attempt to share what I wear alot more often....who knew that they way I dress was so very interesting to people, but I guess, judging by comments I have received lately, it is intriguing least it is for most people, with the exception of my 4 year old, daughter who tells me that the way I dress 'scares people'.......gotta laugh !!! I only hope that someday she finds the courage to dress to suit herself and not some self designated fashion mogul or magazine.

Here is what I wore today - been feeling very autumnal recently and browns are the flavour of the moment..... my skirt is one I made myself, covered in red, tan and green florals and roosters and makes me feel very self sufficient whenever I wear my 'chicken' skirt, and my daughter very much approves !! A nice warm brown cardi to top it off ( I love cardi's) and some hoop earings. As for my hair and make up, I will detail that later in my next post, but let me say that I am now going for the whole Audrey Hepburn 1960's / Mad Men Secretarial look....stay tuned for the new hair do post!!!

My daughter giving me her tempered 'approval' of todays outfit......

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Been a while since you talked about the birds and the bees?

Well now, yes it has been an awfully long time since I talked or maybe even thought about the birds and the bees.......and although that may be somewhat sad, this little card that my sister sent me certainly isnt ! Aint it just so cute? It inspired me to stumble around the web looking for other such gems and, as it has been quite a while since I did any kind of fashion post, I thought sharing these pictures might suffice ! The theme is cute 50's - as opposed to classic elegance !

Quite obviously I need to get back on the sewing machine again so I have some beautiful and home crafted fashion to show and tell about....but for now, cup of earl grey tea in hand, enjoy a bit of  Internet eye candy - and I hope you have the chance to talk about the birds and the bees on many occasions!

And do enjoy this classic 50's song "The Birds and the Bees" by Jewell Akens by clicking on the last image in this set !