Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Melbourne Cup ideas....

Home made dress from vintage fabric found at Boort Op Shop, bargain store cardi, beads from local op shop, hat $12 at a Brisbane vintage fair.....whole cost of outfit would be aprox.$30 at best.

Have been pondering what I would wear to the races if I should go ....and thought I would share a couple of my outfit ideas.....I think we need more excuses to dress up than the spring racing carnival though...dressing up is still so much fun - big 'little girl' that I am !!!!

Vintage hat $35 off ebay, dress $100 in vintage clothing store, beads $14 off ebay, gloves $5 in op shop. Whole outfit aprox $155


Sunday, October 23, 2011

Something to catch the eye....

This amazing house caught my eye in the paper on the weekend....and who could fail to miss or love its stunning art deco exterior? I promptly looked it up online to indulge in day dreams a little bit more!

However, although it is a modern decor lovers delight on the inside, I was a bit disappointed to see that the whole 20's-30's effect had been pretty much lost, especially in the kitchen and bathrooms. But then, this is a Toorak mansion and I guess the designers thought that those with the money to live in Toorak would not want a 30's style bathroom or kitchen (more's the pitty).

Nothing daunted, I soon designed every room perfectly in my imagination, as well as planning out the most amazing vintage parties and events in this most stunning of venues. My biggest daydream dilemma, however, would be where on earth to keep my chooks, indulge my gardening passion and establish my vegie garden and fruit trees !!!

Anyhow, I do hope you enjoy a little bit of daydreaming on Monday morning too..........

Visit the website advertising its sale here for more daydream inducing photographs and plans

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cupcakes for lunches

Fancy Pants eyes off some blueberry muffins that he helped make!

On a big sustainable lifestyle bent recently (thanks to the arrival of my adorable 5 chickens - Fancy Pants, Rainbow Chook, Fluffy Bum, and we have yet to name the other two!) I have been baking my own bread and making home made goodies for the kids school lunches. These home made goodies usually take the form of muffins/cupcakes, and I have no end of delight in devising new and exciting recipes with my little ones......we have tried chocolate and raspberry, sultana and raspberry, blueberry, and pear and chocolate so far, and have many more up our sleeve to put into action over the coming 4th term.

So here is our recipe for basic muffins/cupcakes, and in the spirit of creativity, feel free to experiment with what you add - choc chips, fruit, nuts, marshmallows, you name it, the fun is always in the creation !!
We experimented with my new icing piper on our chocolate cupcakes...

Basic Cupcake Recipe

125g soft butter
125g Caster sugar
150g self raising flour
2 eggs (thanks Fancy Pants!!)
2 tablespoons natural yogurt or cream
1/2 teaspoon vanilla

Preheat oven to 180 degree Celsius and fill muffin tray with 'patti pans'. Cream butter and sugar. Add flour, eggs, yogurt/cream and vanilla in large bowl of electric mixer and mix until just smooth. Beat in desired flavouring by hand and place mixture in 'patti pans'. Bake in oven for 15mins or until springy to touch.

My only problem seems to be that all my children's friends want some too - hence I now make double quantity !!

My babies adore their  pet chooks, and love to cuddle with them....

Sunday, October 16, 2011

High Tea for a tremendous cause.....

Have you ever been moved to tears by someone elses plight? I was this afternoon, and even had to rush off to the powder room to deal with my need for a little sob. OK, so I am a very feeling person by nature, but if you cannot be moved by the situation of African women, outcast from their families and societies  simply because they have undergone exceptionally traumatic labour/birth experiences, resulting in bodily deformation, then I would say you have a heart of stone. I know that I was scared as I faced all three of my childbirth experiences, and I live in the west where medical help is brilliant. Imagine being a woman in a remote African village and simply through the act of bringing life into the world, you face death, rejection, isolation, lifelong deformation and dysfunction of your body. Boy oh boy, we just don't know how good we have it here !!



This afternoon I joined with close on 100 women in the rural community of Swan Hill in sharing a High Tea to raise much needed money and awareness for the Addis Ababa Fistula Hospital in Ethiopia - the vision of a husband and wife team from Australia who have received the Companion of the Order of Australia (our countries highest award) for their establishment of this hospital. It helps restore life to suffering women, and educates others to become midwives in needy communities. Can you spare 10 minutes out of your day to simply read the website about this amazing organisation? Today we raised $800, but if you can help by knitting blankets for the hospital, then that is tremendously valued as well.

Here are some photographs of the afternoon, at a bed and breakfast on the charming Murray River, entertained by songbird Diana Riding, and lapping up all the refinement of a beautiful spread of goodies and numerous cups of tea in fine company ! I wore my favourite purple ensemble, which I have pictured here in my messy everyone can see that a busy mummy can indeed 'look the goods', despite the messy activity of her household.... and what a privilege it is to be a mother in such a blessed country such as this !! Happy Sunday everyone !!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Living Doll - October 2011

I cant begin to tell you how excited I am to introduce to you this month's "Living Doll".....yay, clap hands everyone, Miss October is the ever inspiring 'Marilyn O'Connor'........

What does 'vintage' mean to you?
Vintage, for me is before 1965. Clothing was elegant as were furnishings. We were still looking to land on the moon and the interest in space exploration was an exciting prospect.
Travel was exotic, whether is be across the country or around the world.
What was it that first prompted your interest in vintage culture?
I was always in awe of the elegant men and women I saw in the movies and I loved rock and roll from a very young age. I never did fit in !!! I wanted to wear bobby sox and evening gowns and fabulous hats everywhere, not all at the same time ...hehe....I have a net petticoat that had belonged to an aunt and wore it under anything I could as a child. I still wear that petticoat. I guess I was destined to be "vintage"

What is your favourite era, and do you 'live it' every day? In what ways?
I have two favourite era's, the 1940's and the 1950's I wear vintage or vintage reproductions made by me from vintage patterns everyday. I wouldn't leave the house without hair and makeup done. I also cook from vintage cookbooks and use my 1950's gadgets as they were intended. I don't buy things just to look at they have to be able to be used, worn or read just as they were when they were new.
Tell us about your favourite item of vintage clothing, kitchenalia, music, furniture or whatever !
I have so many favourite things, my house and it's original pink kitchen. My Heywood Wakefield furniture. I have a date book, pickup on ebay, that had belonged to a teenage girl in 1960. She wrote her dates and dances in it, the names of her friends. i so enjoy reading about a small piece of her life. And of course my wardrobe of clothes and my poodle collection.
Can you share with us why vintage culture continues to hold such appeal for you?
The elegance and style that was reflected in everything. Dressing for dinner, the movies, a cocktail party, even a picnic. I love to imagine where my clothes have been and what they have "done" Did a dress "see" Elvis or Dean Martin ...........Things were made to last, quality was important, things made today, I doubt, will be in daily use 50 - 70 years from now.
Do you have any tips for anyone starting out in the vintage scene?
Those who are new to the vintage scene now have so many places where they can research the era or style that appeals to them. The internet is an amazing resource. Be true to yourself and don't choose something just because it's "trendy' right now.

Now is your chance to provide us with an overview of who you are and what you do
I grew up in Australia and now live in Las Vegas. I enjoy sewing and cooking and caring for my husband and house. I like to think of myself as a Domestic Goddess, a title I always use when asked by strangers, what work field am I in. I also have a very active social life and wonderful friends. I have recently begun to perform burlesque and enjoy it very much. When I am in Sydney I like to pick up uniquely Australian 50's pieces to bring back to the US and have them around the house. I have been trying to convince hubby to make tyre swan planters. He seems some what hesitant.
I love to go to flea markets and antique malls, the never ending search for the next perfect thing.
Finally, what or who inspires you and why?
My inspiration comes from many things. The beautiful men and women of the silver screen. Jayne mansfield, Jean Harlow, Marilyn Monroe, Jane Russell, Grace Kelly, Clark Gable, Cary Grant and oh so many more, the list goes on. The everyday people of the past, an unknown person in a photo found at a flea market.

Quote of the month - October 2011

This is a classic - I cant remember where I spotted this card, but I simply knew I had to have it for my little collection of such goodies.......if anyone else can relate to this I would love to hear from you !! He he.......

And this wonderful card below is very definitely the story of my life to sad of me !!!

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Today's outfit.....

Feeling very much like a country girl, I decided to wear my blue gingham .....I may be kicking around the house and doing some more sewing today, but for the feeling of prettiness it gives me to dress this way, it is so worth it. Having had a few conversations in the past few weeks about dressing and image etc and I have really been evaluating my inner reasons for dressing as I do.....people dress for many and varied reasons - none of which are 'wrong' either if you ask me - to be noticed, to look fashionable, to feel beautiful, to feel comfortable, to be practical, to make an individual statement....... well, for me, the way I dress comes down to simply loving a certain look and finding it to be, for me, the most beautiful expression of creativity and individuality I know. I realised this afresh while watching the 1954 movie "The High and Mighty" with John Wayne last night. I was entranced by all the female characters and their style, and I knew in my heart that for me, this era of dressing simply feels like 'home' in a way no other style does. And after all, for most women, isnt bringing our own expression of beauty to the world simply intrinsic to who we are? I hope so !

Friday, October 7, 2011

Music of the Moment - The Proclaimers 'King of the Road'

LOVE LOVE LOVE  The Proclaimers - ever since Highschool and a 1997 trip overseas where I discovered their 'other' albums besides Sunshine on Leith. Recently, I viewed this clip on youtube and was majorly impressed to see all the Australian Holden cars featuring....even more reason to love these guys.....oh, and for all my friends who are in the know, yes, those glasses really do it for me - he he !!