Thursday, April 29, 2010

Butterflies in my garden - and my kitchen....

In the beautiful Autumnal sunshine we have been experiencing, my three little poppets have been amusing themselves by running around the garden, butterfly nets in hand, collecting butterflies and caterpillar'ss galore.....I must confess I have never seen anything like the amount of butterflies we have had this year! My 'china doll' bush is simply drenched in fluttering wings - so amazingly pretty !

So in the spirit of life lesson themes, my children and I embarked on making a delicious old fashion favourite - butterfly cakes. Grandma Jean used to make the most delightful butterfly cakes and seemed always able to whip them out for the afternoon tea table, even if we dropped in unexpectedly - amazing woman that she was !

So here is a recipe for yummy butterfly be enjoyed in the sunshine, like any good butterfly would be doing!

Butterfly Cakes

 115g softened butter
115g caster sugar
2 eggs lightly beaten
115g self raising white flour
1 tsp baking powder
1/4 Cup Milk

Pre heat oven to 180 degrees C. Grease and place patty pans in muffin tray. Sift flour and baking powder into a bowl. Add butter, sugar and eggs and using an electric beater beat until smooth. Add milk and whisk into the mixture. Spoon mixture into paper cases and bake in oven 20 minutes until risen and golden brown. Transfer to a wire rack and let cool.


 Use double cream or whip a small container of cream

Make up a packet of red jelly according to packet directions, preferably using a shallow pie dish instead of deep bowl to set in fridge.

Slice a 'cap' off the cooled cakes and fill the indentation with whipped cream. Cut 'cap' in half and place two pieces (or wings) according to picture. Dig out a teaspoon of jelly and place between 'wings', then dust liberally with icing sugar.

Sit down to eat on a sunny autumn afternoon and prepare to flutter away to fantasy land !

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Big D Jambouree !

Ok, if you are looking for the event of all Rockabilly events not to be missed in Melbourne this year, make sure you get along to the Central Club Hotel in Richmond this May 8th ! It is going to be one rocking good time with featured artists Pat Cappoci, Danny and the Cosmic Tremors, The Strait 8s, Ezra Lee and Scotty Baker you wont be disapointed ! I will be seeing you there so DO make sure you say hi !

Sunday, April 18, 2010

We have a winner !

A big congrats to Paul and Marilyn upon winning the lovely little prize pack celebrating 100 followers on my blog !! This little pack is heading your way guys - do enjoy your movie watching, cups of tea and baking in your new apron....with love from Alice Jean's !

High Tea, Frock Swap and Overnewton Castle

What a divine time was had by a bunch of excited girls on Sunday afternoon as we gathered for High Tea and a Frock Swap at the enchanting Overnewton Castle in Keilor, Melbourne ! All frocked up, we dined on the delcious fare ( mmmmmm, devonshire tea to beat all devonshire teas !!) and bought the proceeds of our raided wardrobes and bathrooms to pool for the swap. I am quite proud of myself in that I didnt end up coming home with more than I bought, and I scored some beautiful purfumes, shoes, skirts and even a suit for Scott ! All leftover goods were donated to a Sunbury thrift shop, and I for one 'rolled' home feeling very happy and full of yummy goodies !!! A wonderful chance to meet other people in the most beautiful of locations.......below is some information about the beautiful Overnewton Castle. I highly reccomend this destination if you are looking for a function venue - magnificent !!

A huge thankyou to to Becky and Mark for inviting me to this wonderful day - I am already looking forward to next year!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Movie Club - April 2010

This month's movie is a 'northern' (as oposed to a 'western') set on the American/Canadian border - one for the boys! The Far Country stars Jimmy Stewart and Ruth Roman. The plot goes something like this......

In 1896, Jeff Webster sees the start of the Klondike gold rush as a golden opportunity to make a fortune in beef...and woe betide anyone standing in his way! He drives a cattle herd from Wyoming to Seattle, by ship to Skagway, and (after a delay caused by larcenous town boss Gannon) through the mountains to Dawson. There, he and his partner Ben Tatum get into the gold business themselves. Two lovely women fall for misanthropic Jeff, but he believes in every-man-for-himself, turning his back on growing lawlessness...until it finally strikes home.

One of James Stewart's favorite stories of his film career concerned his horse, Pie, a sorrel stallion whom Stewart called, "One of the best co-stars I ever had." Pie appeared as Stewart's horse in 17 Westerns, and the actor developed a strong personal bond with the horse. Pie was very intelligent, Stewart recalled, and would often "act for the cameras when they were rolling. He was a ham of a horse." When shooting the climax of "The Far Country," the script called for Stewart's horse to walk down a dark street alone, with no rider in the saddle, to fool the bad guys who were waiting to ambush Stewart. Assistant Director John Sherwood asked Stewart if Pie would be able to do the scene. Stewart replied, "I'll talk to him." Just before the cameras rolled, Stewart took Pie aside and whispered to the horse for several minutes, giving him instructions for the scene. When Stewart let the horse go, Pie walked perfectly down the middle of the street, doing the scene in one take. When Pie died in 1970, Stewart arranged to have the horse buried at his California ranch. (From Internet Movie Database)

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

My 'Lil Darlin

For all my non Facebook Friends, here are some photographs of my new 'Lil Darling.....isnt she just a dream?!! A 1951 Pontiac Chieftan Convertable........... Looking forward to all the future fun with this little lady !

Sunday, April 11, 2010

Housewife quotes

“No laborer in the world is expected to work for room, board, and love - except the housewife”
 (Letty Cottin Pogrebin)

“I have too many fantasies to be a housewife. I guess I am a fantasy.”
(Marilyn Monroe)
"I prefer the word "homemaker" because "housewife" always implies that there may be a wife someplace else”
(Bella Abzug)
“I would be content being a housewife if I could find the kind of man who wouldn't treat me like one”
(Terry McMillan)
“I don't pretend to be an ordinary housewife.”
(Elizabeth Taylor)
“Being a housewife and a mother is the biggest job in the world, but if it doesn't interest you, don't do it - I would have made a terrible mother.”
(Katherine Hepburn)
“By and large, mothers and housewives are the only workers who do not have regular time off. They are the great vacationless class.”
(Anne Morrow Lindbergh)

“I hate the word housewife; I don't like the word home-maker either. I want to be called Domestic Goddess.”
(Roseanne Barr)

Spoonflower - a designer and historians dream come true !

I clapped hands and danced with pure joy when Nicole at Circa Vintage posted an article about Spoonflower. Oh my goodness - you simply must check it out ! I have always dreamed of creating my own fabric designs, and now anyone and everyone has the ability to do so !! Not only that, but it is also possible to reproduce vintage fabrics from a small swatch!! If you are restoring a house/caravan/item of furniture, you can now have as much fabric as you need to complete it's authentic look! Always loved a certian fabric from your childhood? Get it reproduced and make it up into whatever you desire ! Want to design every aspect of your clothing wardrobe like me? The dream is now a reality ! The ideas and possibilities are simply endless ! So excited !!!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Celebrating 100 followers !!

How exstatic was I when I discovered I had cracked the 100 followers mark on my blog ! I know blogging isnt about numbers, its about sharing passions and interests with like minded people - and it is such a wonderful way to do that ! For me blogging is also about 'scratching the itch' I have to write, and considering all the beautiful friendships I have made through cyber space, it is a most satisfying itch to scratch ! None the less, I was totally chuffed to think that there are 100 people out there who like what I share so much they are keen to follow along with me.....and then I decided to check my sight meter readings for the first time in ages, and was utterly floored to discover that 250-350 people are reading my blog each week !!! I feel so humbled and honoured to know that !!

So, in celebration of this heart swelling achievement, I am going to host another little giveaway, and I would love it if you would all enter !! It is so very easy - just leave a comment !! You can leave a comment on my blogpage, facebook page or via email and your name will go into the hat to win :

1. A copy of 'North by NorthWest' on DVD (Region 4) by one of my alltime favourite directors - Alfred Hitchcock
2. A darling little Maxwell Williams 'Leading Ladies' mug
3. A cutsey pie blue floral and ruffle apron made by me for the occasion - perfect for the complete 1950s kitchen look!

If you would like your name entered twice, simply share about this competition with others by emailing your friends with a link to my blog, putting a post on your own blog about it, or simply direct your friends to my blog by word of mouth - make sure you let me know you have done this and I will enter your name twice for you.

I am so looking forward to your comments and to giving away this little pack to one of my newfound vintage loving friends ! Thankyou one and all, for joining me in my many happy trips into the nostalgia of the past...... here's to many more !!


Sunday, April 4, 2010

Living Dolls - Miss April

Meet the beautiful Jodie Suppa - our stunning Miss April !
What does 'vintage' mean to you?

When I hear vintage, I think of ‘clothing’pre mid 60’s. When dresses were made to suit a woman’s curves and jeans were made to sit at your waist rather than at your hips. I also think of cheese, because I love Vintage Cheese.

What was it that first prompted your interest in vintage culture?

I grew up with my folks listening to Buddy Holly, Wanda Jackson, Gene Vincent, Eddie Cochrane, Waylon Jennings, Bill Haley, The Everley Brothers, Chuck Berry, Little Richard, and Elvis of course. . When I had finished year 12, dad took me to see a friend of his play with his ‘rockabilly’ band called “The Flying Tigers”. I loved it! raw and energetic. Still to this day, I still go out with my folks to see bands. In fact that same ‘friend of dad’s is having his first cd launch this Saturday, 19 years later..yes, I’m going with my folks.

What is your favourite era, and do you 'live it' every day? In what ways?

My favourite era (for music and clothing) is the 1950’s. It was only about 18 months ago that I started developing an interest in the clothing. I have admired the style for a while, but never really considered wearing it. I never thought I would feel confident in this style but it is actually this style that makes me feel confident (does that make sense?). It is not lived ‘everyday’. During the day I am happy to be in my ‘mummy clothes’ (jeans and t.shirt), that way, I don’t have to worry about my nice clothes getting dirty.

Tell us about your favourite item of vintage clothing, kitchenalia, music, furniture or whatever !

I love lots of different 1950’s style music as long as its swinging along and got a catchy tune you will see my toe tappin’. I love to go and see many local bands (Benny & the Fly-by-niters, Detonators & more) and at home on a Tuesday I enjoy listening to my husband’s radio show “It’s a Gas”.

My favourite ‘vintage’ item is my 1940’s cherries pin that I just acquired from Ebay. It’s hanging on its last threads (literally) but I love it!!

Can you share with us why vintage culture continues to hold such appeal for you?

I can’t explain why the music continues to hold such appeal for me. I just love it..and I am disliking the music of today more and more. I do love the old 80’s stuff though. I love that I can meet my parents at the pub as well as my brother and his wife and loads of other friends that I have met over many years thru this scene. I love that all week I can be a mum at home and get messy with my 2 boys but come the weekend I can paint my nails red, wear a pretty dress and high heels and go dancing. How can that not be appealing??

Do you have any tips for anyone starting out in the vintage scene?

Go to Wintersun!

An overview of who you are and what you do. Tell us as much or as little as you like !!!!

I am a wife and a mother of 2 little boys. I am also a fitness instructor for pregnant women. How many jobs can you turn up at and be happy to be there. It keeps me fit (but not trim because I love ice cream too much) and the extra money helps me with my ebay addiction!

Finally, what or who inspires you and why?

All the beautiful and ‘very’ stylish women I have met since hooking up with my husband. (they all know who they are!) I also love reading ‘vintage style’blogs (such as this one!)

Friday, April 2, 2010

Thoughts on compassion and human frailty.....

I felt that I ought to write something as we enter another holiday. In the light of my own life experience recently, and my reflections upon the core of the Easter message, I am struck by the magnitude of compassion there.  When it all simmers down, that is the essence of the Easter story - the compassion/mercy/kindness of God to humanity. I too have learnt in recent times to perhaps begin to have some compassion towards myself - not an easy thing to do, and more than anything I have realised how absolutely vital it is to see other people through eyes of compassion.....

"Because you'll never be a first-class human being or a first-class woman, until you've learned to have some regard for human frailty"

from High Society/ The Philadelphia Story

One of the plot lines in the movie quoted above is the female lead's (Grace Kelly) expectation of perfection from herself and others. When she 'slips up' on her wedding eve, her fiance cant handle her apparent 'fall from grace'. Although he agrees to marry her still when it is proven that the 'fall from grace' really didn't amount to much, it is done with a sense of making a tremendous concession - imagine living with that from the moment you marry !!! This prompts a most beautiful quote from Grace Kelly

"George, I don't want you to marry me because you think I am now worthy of you. It would have ment so much more to me if you had married me because I was unworthy,"

Lucky for Grace's character, her 'true love' steps in and all is well in the end!!

Compassion. Mercy. Forgiveness. Understanding. Regard for Human Frailty. Isn't it lovely?

It's not easy to display compassion these days I must say. Maybe in conventional, 'easy' ways it is (giving money to those less fortunate overseas etc etc) - but to actively show compassion to those who really 'don't deserve' our attempts at kindness and love  - those who are angry, or mean, who behave erratically, who say hurtful things, who appear ungrateful, those who cant help themselves, and those who we cant identify with or understand, that's when compassion gets difficult. But I think it is important if we are to grow into 'first class human beings (who)...... have some regard for human frailty'.

My biggest struggle, however,  is in having compassion for myself - for having some regard for my own frailty, and forgiving myself when I fail.....over and over again. I beat myself up in my head so many times over big and little things, ever condemning, ever eroding my sense of self worth and esteem.....I am not so hard on others as I am on myself, but that is pretty much a trait of my Myers-Briggs personality type (INFJ for those who are into that!!)! If there is one thing I need this Easter is a bit of self compassion and forgiveness.....but then we probably could all use that from time to time, couldn't we ?

I don't think I have shared this wonderful quote on my blog before, and it is sure to feature in the 'quote of the month' at some point, but the beautiful and incredibly perceptive Audrey Hepburn once said

“People, even more than things, have to be restored, renewed, revived, reclaimed, and redeemed; never throw out anyone.”

And it is so important to add yourself to the list of whom that applies to !

Have a wonderful Easter everyone, enjoy your family and your friends. Most especially, may we all show compassion and forgiveness to those we love (and maybe even those we don't !), and importantly also to ourselves. Goodness knows, we all make mistakes, and we all - especially me - desperately need it !Love to you all