Thursday, November 28, 2013


Isnt she adorable? You gotta love a beautiful Barbie - especially one carrying a turkey ! She's the Holiday Hostess Barbie #4 and for a Barbie collector like me, she's one to put on the "indulgence" list.
But thanksgiving know, we don't actually have the celebration here in Australia, however I would love it if we did. Taking a moment to be grateful for all that we have can only bring a country, a community, a family, an individual joy in the long run.....
I have had a trying year (who hasn't!) with surgery, relationship dramas, children's physical and emotional bumps and bruises, but in August I empowered myself by choosing to find something to celebrate in each day. I began by taking a photograph of the something and posted it on facebook every day for about a month....this in turn moved into more private realms as I noted the little things that bought me joy. May I just say, it altered my brain patterns for the better, and as the conclusion of 2013 draws near I can honestly say I am thinking more lovingly, more freely and more joyfully than back when I started the gratitude journey. I am no longer as weighted down with concerns about what people think of me (ego), as I choose to celebrate the 'me' alive in each moment. Have been reading a lot of Erkhardt Tole, Deepak Chopra and Louise Hay which has also contributed to my new 'present in the moment' living - I highly recommend their works.
So, as I sit and ponder what I am grateful for this thanksgiving 2014, I really think my truth is that I am grateful for the spiritual journey of gratitude itself .... it is helping me overcome episodes of 'lowness', making me care for myself better (self compassion is a wonderful thing!) and helping me leave behind the curse of 'wanting' that coloured my life in the past. I have discovered there is so much wonder in this moment, I squander it by chasing more, more, more all the time.
My wish for each of you this thanksgiving is that you will discover the magic in the moment you are in - the people in your lives, the food on your table, the creative endeavours you are undertaking, the snuggly-ness of winter or the sunshine of summer wherever you are in the world.....enjoy the moment!

Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Cultivating Modernism - an exhibition

Looking for something interesting, cultural and historical to do over the summer? What about this fantastic (and FREE!) exhibition looking at the rise of modernism in our approach to gardening? There really is a lot more to our gardening heritage than pink flamingos, tyre swan plant holders and hills hoists......get along to this exhibition to broaden your mind and your understanding of mid century culture in our fascinating country!

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Vote for your favourite LOVE SONG and have a loved up end to your week...

To all the nostalgic romantics, like myself, out there... Can you help me out please? I am researching the greatest pre 1965 love songs of all time for an upcoming article. Of course, I have my opinion on the greatest love songs, but I really want to reflect my readership in this, if you would like to submit your favourite song to ensure it makes the cut, please do so via a comment here, or pop over to my Alice Jean's Facebook Page and leave your comment there.... Don't forget to share this with your friends who have great musical taste too....
Sooooo looking forward to seeing the selection - who knows? I might even have to compile an Alice Jean's play list ! BIG LOVE to you all today XOXO

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

A little down time.....

Beloved Readers, I really must apologise. I have been ever so slack in my posting for the past few months. But believe me, there really is a very good explanation! In the proverbial nutshell, I have not been well, in fact, I have had a rather significant operation and am still recovering one day at a time.

That said, I also feel over the moon about my new lease on life - so you can expect to hear more from me here at Alice Jean's in the not to distant future. I am working on some very interesting articles (you will just have to wait and see) and also have a couple of worthwhile projects in the wings, one of which is a brand new blog, very much like Alice Jean's, but without the vintage based theme. Its all rather exciting as it continues to unfold in my mind - I look forward to sharing all this with you.
But in the meantime, thankyou for your understanding of my gradual disappearance from blog land....its good to be home !