Monday, September 2, 2013

I may have missed the 50's Fair - But I still have Sterling Hair - AND one mega exciting scoop!

Well, lovely readers, I most tragically missed this years Sydney 50's Fair and must, alas, wait a whole 12 more months to be able to again have the chance to don my 50's finest and hang with other like minded lovers of mid century.
Fortunately for me, however, I stumbled upon this terrific little youtube tribute to

a) the Sydney 50's Fair and

b) the wonderment that is Sterling Hairdressing......

I am just itching to share it with you! View this great footage and you will catch a very strong glimpse of that which is rockabilly inspired or, as I prefer it called, mid century or vintage culture. It is quite different from rock n roll culture (oftentimes a weekend pastime), this mid century addiction is lived rather than dabbled in as a retrospective hobby culture. I hope I am making sense!

What I love most about the 50's Fair is that it is not a hot rod show - it is a celebration of 50's design, culture, fashion and style. In my opinion it is like no other nostalgia event in Australia - without doubt it is the most authentic. This wonderful clip has Tony, from Sterling Hair in Sydney, talking about his experience of The Fair and everything wonderful about the love of 50's culture.
As for Sterling, ladies and gents, I only WISH they were closer than the 8 hour drive away for me - I would become a regular customer simply to soak up the ambiance! If, however, you find yourself in the lovely harbourside town, do head on down to Surrey Hills for a sparkling Sterling trim or style....I am betting you wont regret doing so, and might even wager you will back again for more !

As I penned (or realistically, typed) the words above two days ago, little did I realise that I was to be entrusted with one of the most exciting scoops to hit 'the scene' in an age. People, Sterling Hair IS going to be closer than an 8 hour drive for me !! Indeed, they are going to be close enough for me (and a vast majority of those in 'the scene' - although I hate using that term!) to frolic to on a very regular occasion. Dear friends -
Tony and Lou are in the process of hunting out the perfect bayside city venue for Sterling - as well as putting together their own product line due to be released early next year !!! Yeow !!!! Clapping hands with excitement !!!

OK. Breath. Breath. Focus.
Until such time, those of us south of the border will have to content ourselves with anticipation, and the viewing of the following two Youtube clips to tide us over.
So - I may have missed the 50's Fair this year - but in knowing that more of the mid century culture is coming my way on a regular basis, I can live with it.
Hope you enjoy the footage, and once again, being inspired by the stylin' class of those wonderful individuals who demonstrate 50's love on a daily basis ! Thankyou Tony and Lou for creating such a classic, experience based service!
Till next years Fair, and the advent of Melbourne Sterling - Mwah!

Thankyou to Pablo Martin for these great photographs taken at a recent trade fare